How do college students use digital ashcards during self-regulated learning?
Inez Zung
, Megan N. Imundo
and Steven C. Pan
Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA;
Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego,
Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Over the past two decades, digital ashcards that is, computer programmes, smartphone
apps, and online services that mimic, and potentially improve upon, the capabilities of
traditional paper ashcards have grown in variety and popularity. Many digital ashcard
platforms allow learners to make or use ashcards from a variety of sources and customise
the way in which ashcards are used. Yet relatively little is known about why and how
students actually use digital ashcards during self-regulated learning, and whether such uses
are supported by research from the science of learning. To address these questions, we
conducted a large survey of undergraduate students (n=901) at a major U.S. university. The
survey revealed insights into the popularity, acquisition, and usage of digital ashcards,
beliefs about how digital ashcards are to be used during self-regulated learning, and
dierences in uses of paper versus digital ashcards, all of which have implications for the
optimisation of student learning. Overall, our results suggest that college students
commonly use digital ashcards in a manner that only partially reects evidence-based
learning principles, and as such, the pedagogical potential of digital ashcards remains to be
fully realised.
Received 20 December 2021
Accepted 22 March 2022
Digital ashcards; online
learning technologies;
distributed practice; retrieval
practice; self-regulated
Todays students have access to a wide array of educational
technologies, including modern implementations of tra-
ditional learning tools. For instance, digital ashcards (also
called computer ashcards, electronic ashcards, or virtual
ashcards) duplicate the functions of conventional paper
ashcards (i.e., index cards that typically contain related
information on each side of the card, such as a concept
and its explanation or a practice problem and its worked
answer), including the ability to engage in self-testing by
using one side as a prompt to recall information on the
reverse side. However, unlike paper ashcards, digital ash-
cards are typically created, stored, and used via websites,
smartphone apps, and/or other programmes. Digital ash-
cards also oer more functions than paper ashcards,
including greater control over onesprogressduringlearn-
ing, the ability to present dierent types of materials (e.g.,
multimedia), options to congure the order and frequency
of ashcards (e.g., using spaced repetition algorithms), easy
removal or retention of individual cards for further study
(via dropping or starring functions), built-in games,
greater varieties of practice questions, and more.
Since their commercial debut over two decades ago
(e.g., Texas Instruments, 2001), digital ashcards have
become increasingly popular and are now used across a
wide range of devices. More than a dozen systems are
available (List of ashcard software, 2021), and many
continue to add features. For instance, one of the most
popular digital ashcard services, Quizlet, boasts over 50
million active users per month (Glotzbach, 2019) and has
expanded from a solely web-based platform to both
web-based and mobile applications, plus added games
and dierent usage modes. There is little doubt that
digital ashcards will, over time, continue to gain even
more users and become increasingly dierentiated from
paper ashcards.
Given their growing complexity, the use of digital ash-
cards to engage in self-regulated learning that is, when an
individual manages their learning entirely, starting from
the planning of learning activities and extending
through evaluating the eects of those activities (Bjork
et al.,
Winne & Hadwin, 1998) presents an increas-
ingly challenging set of decisions for many students. Stu-
dents must decide which platform to use, which
materials to learn, and how to make or obtain ashcards.
After the digital ashcards are ready, they must decide
which learning activities to engage in for instance, self-
© 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
CONTACT Inez Zung [email protected] Department of Psychology, University of California, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, San Diego, CA 92093-0109,
USA; Steven C. Pan
[email protected] Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, College of Humanities and Sciences, National
University of Singapore, 9 Arts Link, Singapore, 117572, Singapore
Inez Zung and Steven C. Pan changed institutional aliations from UCLA to their current institutions in the duration of this project, which is reected in
their listed aliations above.
testing, games, or simply reading or reviewing. They must
also decide the timing, quantity, frequency, and setting of
ashcard use (e.g., two weeks before an exam, large sets or
small sets, daily or weekly, during their commute, etc.).
Finally, as they cycle through each ashcard, students
may choose whether to turn the ashcard around and
view the reverse side (which, if self-testing is used, pro-
vides an opportunity to check the accuracy of ones
responses) or simply move on, and if starring or dropping
functions are available, whether to prioritise some ash-
cards and/or drop others from further study. Importantly,
given that research into digital ashcards is still in its
infancy (cf. Altiner, 2019; Dizon & Tang, 2017; Hung,
2015; Sage et al., 2016, 2019), relatively few evidence-
based recommendations for their use currently exist, and
as such, students often have to rely on little more than
intuition in making such decisions. Further, although a
recent review of ashcard programmes suggest that they
may facilitate eective learning strategies such as succes-
sive relearning (a combination of retrieval practice and
spacing; Dunlosky & OBrien, 2020), researchers have yet
to thoroughly investigate how students actually use
these programmes.
Of the many ways that digital ashcards can be used,
which do college students, whom are among the most
common users of such ashcards, tend to prefer? Why do
they prefer doing so? Are these preferences stable or
altered by metacognitive judgments or study contexts?
We addressed these questions by conducting the rst-
ever large-scale survey of digital ashcard use at a major
public university. Our survey explored such issues as how
digital ashcards are made or obtained (e.g., types of
content; self-made vs. pre-made ashcards), how students
use and practice with digital ashcards (e.g., using dropping
functions; types of learning activities), potential uses of
digital ashcards with peers, and whether common usage
patterns align with four potentially eective ways to use
ashcards, all of which are rooted in evidence-based learn-
ing research (Dunlosky et al., 2013; Pan & Bjork, 2022;Wein-
stein et al., 2018): self-testing, correct answer feedback,
spacing out learning, and generating answers.
Potentially eective uses of ashcards for learning
Educators and researchers often recommend using ash-
cards for learning because they can facilitate benecial
self-testing (e.g., Smith & Weinstein, 2016), which capita-
lises on the well-established retrieval practice eect. The
retrieval practice eect, also known as the testing eect,
is the phenomenon wherein taking a memory test on
some material improves long-term retention of that
material relative to non-retrieval-based methods such as
restudying (e.g., Bjork, 1975; Carrier & Pashler, 1992; Roedi-
ger & Karpicke, 2006). Although the retrieval practice litera-
ture does not focus on ashcards per se, it is plausible that
its ndings can be extrapolated to ashcard use given that
the retrieval practice eect is robust across dierent test
formats and methods of engaging in self-testing (e.g.,
Rowland, 2014). Surveys of paper ashcard use indicate
that self-testing is a common activity among students
when using this study tool (Wissman et al., 2012). The
present survey investigated whether similar patterns
occur for digital ashcards.
Beyond the retrieval practice eect, ashcards can be
also used to confer the benets of correct answer feedback.
Given that ashcards typically contain a cue on one side
and a denition or answer on the reverse side, students
can attempt to productively retrieve the information
cued by the front of the ashcard before ipping it over
to receive feedback. The retrieval practice eect is
enhanced by correct answer feedback (e.g., Pan, Hutter,
et al., 2019; for review see Rowland, 2014), as it can help
learners to maintain their own correct response (Butler
et al., 2008) or adjust their response if they made errors
(Kang et al., 2007). However, surveys of paper ashcard
use suggest that about one-third of students infrequently
check the back of their ashcards after testing themselves
(Wissman et al., 2012), and in one empirical study, students
even dropped
from study after no correct retrie-
vals if they felt so unduly condent in their retrieved
response that they declined to check the back of the
ashcard (Kornell & Bjork, 2008). The present survey
explored the possibility that feedback may also be under-
utilised among users of digital ashcards.
Another potentially eective way to use ashcards is by
spacing out study sessions and items. The spacing eect
refers to the retention advantage when learning events
are spaced apart in time as compared to when they are
massed together (e.g., Cepeda et al., 2006; Donovan &
Radosevich, 1999). Spacing with digital ashcards has
been shown to enhance learning: Kornell (2009) investi-
gated spacing both within and between learning sessions
when using a web-based study programme to learn voca-
bulary word-pairs. In the rst experiment exploring within-
session spacing, participants studied one large set of ash-
cards (spacing) or four smaller sets (massing), with the
number of repetitions for each item across conditions
held constant. Those in the spacing condition performed
better on a nal cued recall test than those in the
massing condition. A second experiment added
between-session spacing by having participants study
across four days, either by using the large set twice each
day (spacing) or using one small set eight times each
day (massing), and the addition of between-session
spacing enhanced the spacing eect. This benetof
spacing held even when all participants were given a
nal review session during which both conditions restu-
died all the word-pairs twice. Kornells ndings provide
potent evidence for how ashcards might be used to
implement spacing: Students can use larger ashcard
sets rather than splitting items into smaller sets, and do
so across multiple days. They might also avoid dropping
ashcards from further study, thereby maintaining the
spacing between items and strengthening learning via
additional practice. However, students do not typically
capitalise on the potential benets of spacing when
using paper ashcards, as they often prefer to use
smaller ashcard sets when studying and believe that
smaller sets are better for learning than larger ashcard
sets (Wissman et al., 2012). (For a more detailed discussion
and comparison of implementing successive relearning in
dierent ashcard programmes, see Dunlosky & OBrien,
2020). In the present survey, we addressed whether
similar patterns occur for digital ashcards, and moreover,
whether common digital ashcard features are used in
ways that promote or do not promote spaced learning
Finally, ashcards can be used to capitalise on the
benets of generation. The generation eect refers to the
nding that material that is generated (e.g., producing syno-
nyms) is better remembered than material that is simply
read (e.g., Bertsch et al., 2007; Slamecka & Graf, 1978). This
eect has been demonstrated with word pairs and frag-
ments (e.g., Gardiner, 1988; Jacoby, 1978)aswellasmore
educationally relevant materials such as outlines and
study questions (e.g., Foos et al., 1994). The generation
eect holds even when students are asked to generate
answers to mathematical operations with the answer
present for reference (Crutcher & Healy, 1989). Generation
can occur with ashcards if students adapt information
from their notes or textbook to put on their own cards
that is, when students self-generate ashcard content. In a
recent series of experiments, Pan et al. (2022) found that
learners exhibited better memory and transfer performance
when asked to create digital ashcards before using them,
as opposed to using already pre-made digital ashcards.
The present survey addressed whether students are
willing to generate their own digital ashcards or are
deterred by the time and eort needed to do so.
Potential factors inuencing digital ashcard use
Flashcards are often used in informal, self-regulated set-
tings outside of the classroom, where choices that result
in ineective or inecient learning are common (e.g.,
Bjork et al., 2013; Dunlosky et al., 2013). According to
the desirable diculties framework (Bjork, 1994), some
learning activities (e.g., retrieval practice) slow immediate
increases in performance and appear to reduce learning
during acquisition, but paradoxically improve learning
over the long-term, whereas other learning activities
(e.g., restudying) appear to ease the acquisition of new
information but may not be eective over the long-
term. As students often conate learning and perform-
ance (Soderstrom & Bjork, 2015), they may opt for learn-
ing activities and methods that increase short-term
performance rather than durable learning. Students pre-
ference for smaller sets of paper ashcards (despite
knowing that spaced study is better than massed
study, as in Wissman et al., 2012) is consistent with
that account, and similar patterns might also be
observed with digital ashcards. Other factors that may
lead to ineective uses of digital ashcards include inac-
curate metacognition even when holding accurate
knowledge about principles of learning, a lack of knowl-
edge about and experience with managing ones own
learning, and individual dierences in academic ability
(which are the basis for a series of exploratory analyses
discussed later in this manuscript), among other
Some features unique to digital ashcards may also
inuence whether students make eective learning
decisions and/or engage in successful learning activities.
Common such features are summarised in Table 1.On
the positive side, digital ashcard platforms can be
designed or congured to, for example, force users to
check the backs of their ashcards after attempting
retrieval (e.g., Anki). Some ashcard services also capita-
lise on the spacing eect by integrating algorithms that
take the decision-making power away from users,
thereby forcing items to be revisited regardless of
whether a user feels they have learned them adequately.
In addition, dropping ashcards can be prevented by
design in digital formats, which could bene t learning
by enforcing repeated testing and inter-item spacing.
On the negative side, however, if the aforementioned
features are not enabled, then users may not experience
any of the associated benets. Moreover, some digital
ashcard features, such as dropping functions, could
be used to prematurely terminate the use of specic
which may reduce learning. Finally, the wide-
spread availability of pre-made digital ashcards could
also deprive users of the potential benets of generating
their own ashcards. To address these considerations,
the present survey investigated potentially productive
and unproductive uses of common digital ashcard
More generally, digital ashcards may have some
inherent advantages over paper ashcards that help
users learn more eectively. For example, Ashcroft et al.
(2016) found that Japanese university students learning
Table 1. Potential impacts of common digital ashcard features on student
Feature Potential impact on learning
Ability to ip ashcards Opportunities for retrieval practice, correct
answer feedback
Dropping functions Reduces opportunities for spacing
Making ones own
Opportunities for generation
Multimedia presentation Opportunities for dual coding
Required checking of
Opportunities for correct answer feedback
Required revisiting of
Opportunities for spacing
Shuing capability Opportunities for varied practice
Starring functions Opportunities for spacing, additional learning
of specic cards
Using pre-made
Reduces opportunities for generation
English as a second language exhibited greater vocabulary
learning gains after using digital ashcards compared to
using paper ashcards, and suggested that the digital
format may have beneted these students more due to
the greater variety of activities oered by the ashcard
service used in the experiment (Quizlet) and the greater
level of control that the service exerted over participants
learning activities. All of these digital ashcard features
may have aided in sustaining engagement and motiv-
ation. However, whether such benets of digital ash-
cards generalise to other materials remains to be
determined (for other comparisons of digital versus
paper ashcards, see Dizon & Tang, 2017; Sage et al.,
2016; Sage et al., 2019), and more broadly, how digital
ashcard platforms may support self-regulated learning
in ways that paper ashcards cannot remains to be deter-
mined. Accordingly, the present survey included ques-
tions comparing beliefs and practices pertaining to
digital versus paper ashcards.
During the survey period, which began on 23 September
2020, and closed on 30 January 2021, 988 undergraduate
students from the subject pool at the University of Cali-
fornia, Los Angeles (UCLA) accessed the survey. Of
those students, 901 respondents (81%, n = 729 women;
18%, n = 160 men; 0.67%, n = 6 non-binary; 0.11%, n =1
pangender; 0.22%, n = 2 other; 0.33%, n = 3 chose not
to respond) completed the survey in its entirety and
received partial course credit. We did not explicitly
collect data on year at UCLA; however, the age break-
down of participants suggests that approximately 64%
of the sample was likely underclassmen and 36% of the
sample was likely upperclassmen (M
= 20.1 years).
Some (4.4%, n = 40) of respondents reported majors in
the humanities (e.g., linguistics, English), 7.3% (n = 60) in
the social sciences (e.g., political science, education,
public aairs), 72.5% (n = 653) in the life sciences (e.g.,
biology, psychology), 4.3% (n = 39) in the physical
sciences (e.g., chemistry, mathematics), 0.7% (n =6) in
engineering (e.g., bioengineering, computer science),
and 0.9% (n = 8) in visual and performing arts (e.g., lm,
dance). Nineteen respondents (2.1%) reported their
major as undeclared, 0.7% (n = 6) as other, 6.8% (n = 61)
as two or more, and 0.3% (n = 3) chose not to respond.
A full list of majors represented among the sample is at
this studys Open Science Framework (OSF) repository.
Additionally, less than 1% (0.44%, n = 4) of respondents
identied as American Indian or Alaska Native, 48% (n
= 429) as Asian, 3% (n = 28) as Black or African American,
12% (n = 105) as Hispanic or Latinx, 4% (n = 38) as Middle
Eastern, 25% (n = 222) as white, 7% (n = 64) as two or
more races/ethnicities, 0.67% (n = 6) as other, and
0.55% (n = 5) chose not to respond. The survey was
approved by UCLAs Institutional Review Board and admi-
nistered online.
We developed a 47-question survey to investigate the
prevalence and characteristics of digital ashcard use
among college students. It encompassed three broad cat-
egories of interest:
1. How students make and/or obtain digital ashcards,
and their reasons for doing so;
2. How students use digital ashcards to support their
learning; and:
3. How students practices and attitudes compare
between digital and paper ashcards.
The survey was developed (a) in consultation with pre-
vious surveys addressing digital learning tools (e.g., Dor-
nisch, 2013), (b) by adapting items from a prior survey on
how and when students engage in self-testing with ash-
cards in general (Wissman et al., 2012),
(c) drawing on
the experiences of the rst author and anecdotes soli-
cited from other undergraduates, and (d) considering
the four evidence-based methods outlined in the Intro-
duction. Prior to data collection, the questions were eval-
uated in a pilot test involving ve UCLA undergraduate
students, which informed minor adjustments to clarify
wording and answer options. At the conclusion of the
survey, we also included nine questions addressing
general study and technology habits; the results from
those questions can be found at this studys OSF
The survey was programmed in Qualtrics (Qualtrics,
Provo, UT) and could be accessed via any internet
browser. The survey questions were ordered from
general to specic, grouped by topic, and preceded by a
series of demographic questions. A denition of digital
ashcards was also presented at the start of the survey
to provide relevant context:
Digital ashcards are similar to paper ashcards. Such cards
typically have a front and back wherein related information
is presented. However, digital ashcards are created, stored,
and used through digital means (e.g., accessed on a computer,
phone, or tablet application, or on a website) rather than on
physical cards.
Respondents were permitted to decline answering any
question except those that determine survey ow (e.g.,
respondents indicating that they had not ever used
paper ashcards were automatically excluded from ques-
tions addressing the use of paper ashcards).
The majority of the survey questions involved multiple-
choice (i.e., select the best-tting answer option) or mul-
tiple-selection format (i.e., select all applicable options).
Questions addressing the frequency of certain behaviours
featured ve answer options (always, often, sometimes,
rarely,andnever), whereas questions addressing beliefs or
behaviours included answer choic es specic to the question
and, in most cases, the option to specify an other response
(cf. Pan et al., 2020). The remainder of the questions were
open-ended. These questions involved a numerical open-
response format (i.e., input a number) or an open-text
response format (i.e., respond in 12sentences).
Data from the multiple-choice and multiple-selection
questions were tabulated within Qualtrics, with no
further scoring necessary. Coding keys (each containing
1020 categories) for the open-text response questions
were generated by the rst two authors from examination
of themes from a subset of responses to each question. All
open text-response questions were scored by two inde-
pendent raters using coding keys. Because the coding
keys were designed to allow raters to categorise each
response with more than one code, interrater percentage
agreement (see McHugh, 2012 for discussion on percen-
tage agreement and chance agreement) was calculated
using fractions in place of Cohens kappa (which is not
well-suited to accurately capture interrater reliability in
cases wherein multiple answers can be coded for a
single survey item; see Cohen, 1960). An interrater score
of 0 indicated total agreement between raters (e.g., Rater
1: 6; Rater 2: 6), a score of 1 indicated total disagreement
(e.g., Rater 1: 4; Rater 2: 5), and a fractional score indicated
partial agreement (e.g., Rater 1: 4, 5, 7; Rater 2: 4, 6, 7
results in a score of 0.5). As the interrater percentage
agreement for the rst 200 responses for each question
was acceptable (> 80%), all remaining responses were
each coded by a single rater.
Respondents accessed the survey link via the subject pool
website ( and completed
the survey on their personal laptop, computer, or other
digital device. After giving consent to participate in the
study, respondents were directed to answer each question
as honestly as possible and then proceeded to the survey
questions. There was no set time limit, but the average
survey completion time was 20.9 min.
Results and discussion
We rst report general ndings for digital ashcard use
among college students, followed by ndings pertaining
to the aforementioned three broad categories of interest,
and then a set of exploratory correlational analyses.
Major ndings are summarised in the text, with further
details included in accompanying tables and/or gures.
In the tables, for questions marked with
, respondents
could select more than one answer option; for questions
marked with
, numeric responses were given; and
questions marked with
were open-ended and were typi-
cally answered in 12 sentences. The order of the ques-
tions in the tables generally mirrors that of the actual
survey with one prominent exception: For ease of expo-
sition, questions that only targeted paper ashcard use,
which duplicate those originally used in Wissman et al.
(2012), are presented in the Appendix. Additionally, in
several cases we report the total percentage of respon-
dents that selected any of several response options, each
of which is shown in the tables.
General characteristics of digital ashcard use
among college students
As detailed in Table 2, digital ashcards are a widely known
and remarkably popular learning tool among college stu-
dents. Over three-quarters of respondents (n = 701,
77.8%) reported using digital ashcards, and of those
respondents, well over half (63.9%) reported using digital
ashcards at least sometimes during their learning activi-
ties. (Unless noted otherwise, the remainder of reported
results involve the 701 respondents who answered that
they have used digital ashcards.)
Although a variety o f online ashcard programmes or ser-
vices are used, the dominance of one platform, at least cur-
rently, is evident: Nearly all respondents (99.3%) had
experience with Quizlet, andthevastmajority(89.7%)
reported most frequently using that platform. The next
most popular ashcard platform, Anki, is far less commonly
used (just 5.8% reported most frequently using it). Respon-
dents oered many reasons for their choice of platform,
with the three most common being ease of access (31.4%),
familiarity (27.2%), and the availability of pre-made
ashcard sets (21.0%). Digital ashcards are also most com-
monly used on a computer or laptop (70.1%), followed by
smartphones (25.7%). Tablets were rarely used (4.0%).
The subject areas that digital ashcards are most fre-
quently used for are science, history, social sciences, and
foreign languages (see Table 2, Question 7 for rankings).
In terms of content, digital ashcards are overwhelmingly
used to learn vocabulary (93.9%), followed by key facts
such as names or dates (74.6%) and concepts (70.2%).
Using digital ashcards to learn more complex material
(e.g., worked examples) is relatively rare (8.4%). Thus, repli-
cating patterns that have been observed with paper ash-
cards (e.g., Wissman et al., 2012 ), digital ashcards tend to
be used for relatively unsophisticated content.
Importantly, students tend to regard digital ashcards
as helpful: An impressive 92.4% regard such ashcards as
at least moderately helpful for studying or learning.
How college students make and/or obtain digital
Creating and obtaining digital ashcards
As detailed in Table 3, respondents more commonly
reported using copy-and-paste functions (36.7%) or
Table 2. General characteristics of digital ashcard use.
1. Prior to taking this survey, have you ever heard of digital ashcards before? (n = 901)
Response Frequency
Yes 85.0%
No 15.0%
2. Have you ever used digital ashcards before? (n = 901)
Response Frequency
Yes 77.8%
No 22.2%
3. In any of your studying or learning activities, do you use digital ashcards? How often do you use them? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Always 2.1%
Often 18.0%
Sometimes 43.8%
Rarely 34.2%
Never 1.9%
4. Which, if any, of these digital ashcard services have you used? (n = 701)
Service Frequency
Anki 15.1%
Brainscape 4.6%
Cram 0.7%
Quizlet 99.3%
Studyblue 5.6%
Study Stack 2.3%
Other 1.0%
5a. What digital ashcard service do you use the most? (n = 701)
Service Frequency
Anki 5.8%
Brainscape 0.1%
Quizlet 0.0%
StudyBlue 89.7%
Other 0.3%
Response left blank 2.0%
5b. What is the primary reason for your use of this digital ashcard service as opposed to other services? Please answer in 12 sentences. (n = 701)
Response category Frequency
Platform is free 6.8%
Platform is popular / peers or friends use same platform 16.8%
Instructors use platform 6.4%
Platform is the only one participant is familiar with (e.g., used or heard of) 27.2%
Ease of access (e.g., platform is user friendly, easy to use, convenient/accessible) 31.4%
Platform features 13.6%
Sharing 2.6%
Images 0.1%
Sound 0.1%
Games 2.7%
Participant is most comfortable/familiar with this platform 13.1%
Platform has pre-made sets 21.0%
Platform is easier to use/cheaper than paper ashcards 1.6%
Using the platform has led to positive results in the past 3.4%
Platform allows you to test yourself 6.8%
Saves paper/environmentally friendly 1.4%
Other 7.7%
Response left blank 1.9%
6. Of the time you spend using digital ashcards, what percentage of time do you use them on the following devices? Please put 0 if you do not use digital
ashcards on that device. Note: These numbers should add up to 100%. (n = 701)
Device Mean percent of time
Computer/laptop 70.1%
Phone 25.7%
Tablet 4.0%
Other 0.2%
7. What subject areas do you tend to use digital ashcards for? Please put the subject areas in order of how often you use digital ashcards for them, from
most to least often. (n = 701)
Subject area Ranking (13, most to least often)
1st 2nd 3rd
Math 0.1% 5.6% 7.3%
Science 39.4% 21.5% 17.3%
History 12.6% 25.1% 28.0%
English composition / writing 2.4% 4.4% 5.8%
Foreign languages 21.7% 18.0% 16.7%
Social sciences 22.0% 24.1% 21.3%
Performing arts 0.0% 0.1% 0.6%
Other 1.4% 0.9% 2.3%
direct transcription (36.4%) to place information on (self-
made) digital ashcards, rather than typing the infor-
mation in their own words (26.8%). Pre-made digital
ashcards were most commonly obtained via a web
search (86.2%), with other, potentially more trustworthy
sources of digital ashcards (e.g., Friends studying for
8. What type of information is typically on your digital ashcards? (n = 701)
Information type Frequency
Concepts (e.g., equilibrium in science, interdependence in history) 70.2%
Equations/formulas 40.9%
Key facts (dates, names, etc.) 74.6%
Practice questions 37.8%
Vocabulary 93.9%
Worked examples 8.4%
Other 1.1%
9. In your opinion, how helpful are digital ashcards for your studying/learning? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Not at all helpful 0.4%
Slightly helpful 7.1%
Moderately helpful 31.1%
Very helpful 46.1%
Extremely helpful 15.3%
Table 3. How pre-made and self-made digital ashcards are created or obtained, and why.
1. Please indicate how often you use the following methods to place information on your digital ashcards. Note: These numbers should add up to 100%.
(n = 701)
Method Mean percentage of time
Copy and paste 36.7%
Directly transcribe (e.g., type out word for word) 36.4%
Type up in my own words 26.8%
2. If you use pre-made digital ashcard sets, where do they come from? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Friends studying for the same exam/class 47.2%
Friends who have taken the class previously 31.2%
Web search 86.2%
Other 4.0%
I do not use pre-made digital ashcard sets 5.1%
3. Do you ever put images on your digital ashcards, or use digital ashcards that have images on them? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Yes, I make my own images 0.4%
Yes, I use pre-made images from other sources 31.5%
Yes, I use both my own and pre-made 8.6%
No 55.9%
The digital ashcard platform I use does not support images 3.6%
4. Of self-made and pre-made digital ashcard sets, what percentage of the time do you use each type of ashcards? Note: These numbers should add up to
100%. (n = 701)
Digital Flashcard Type Mean Percentage of Time
Pre-made 56.0%
Self-made 44.0%
5. If you choose to use pre-made digital ashcard sets rather than make your own digital ashcard sets, why do you do so? (n = 701)
Motive Frequency
I dont have the time to make my own ashcard sets 70.2%
I trust the information on pre-made ashcard sets 37.4%
Pre-made ashcard sets are easily available 81.3%
Pre-made ashcard sets are higher quality 9.4%
Pre-made ashcard sets are more accurate 7.4%
Pre-made ashcard sets contain practice questions 34.7%
Other 2.3%
I do not use pre-made digital ashcards 5.7%
6. If you choose to make your own digital ashcards, rather than use pre-made digital ashcard sets, why do you do so? (n = 701)
Motive Frequency
I can control the information that goes on the card 76.2%
I enjoy making my own ashcard sets 16.3%
The act of making ashcards helps me learn the material 66.0%
The act of making ashcards helps me know what to study 44.8%
The ashcard sets I make are more accurate 40.5%
The ashcard sets I make are higher quality 23.7%
There are no pre-made ashcard sets for the material I need 37.8%
Other 2.0%
I do not make my own digital ashcards 10.4%
the same exam/class or Friends who have taken the class
previously) endorsed less often ( 47.2%). Additionally,
55.9% of respondents reported not using or not making
digital ashcards with images, which suggests that most
users of digital ashcards are not using their multimedia
capabilities to their full extent.
Preference for pre-made versus self-made digital
Pre-made digital ashcardsaremorecommonlyused
than self-made digital ashcards: Of the total time
spent using digital ashcards, respondents reported
made by someone else and 44.0% of their time using
self-made ashcards. Contrasting rationales were
oer ed for t h e choice of one ashcard t ype o ver the
other. Of the respondents that chose to use pre-made
digital ashcards, most (81.3%) did so because they
were easily available, followed closely by not having
enough time to make their own digital ashcards
(70.2%). Few indicated tha t they chose to use pre-
made digital ashcards because they were of higher
quality or more accurate than sets that they generated
themselves ( 9.4%). Of those that chose to use self-
made digital ashcards, however, most (76.2%) reported
doing so because of the ability to control the infor-
mation placed on the card, followed clo sel y by the
belief that the act of making ashcards served as a learn-
ing opportunity (66.0%). Moreover, 64.2% of s elf- made
ashcard users did so because of the purported bett er
accuracyorhigherqualityofsuchashcards over pre-
made versions that could be found online.
Overall, the forgoing results suggest that although
college students tend to rely more on pre-made digital
ashcards, they more frequently doubt their accuracy as
compared to self-made ashcards. Indeed, as shown in
Figure 1, when asked to rate the accuracy of pre-made
and self-made digital ashcards, more respondents rated
self-made ashcards as very or extremely accurate
(87.3%), whereas fewer rated pre-made ashcards in the
same way (38.0%).
How college students use digital ashcards
As detailed in Table 4, of the total time spent using digital
ashcards, more respondents reported spending time
practising recall or self-testing (58.5%) than studying, rest-
udying, reading, or rereading (41.5%) that is, using retrie-
val practice as opposed to less eective methods
(Dunlosky et al., 2013; Pan & Bjork, 2022). As for when stu-
dents use digital ashcard sets, few respondents reported
spacing out their digital ashcard use throughout an aca-
demic term. Instead, digital ashcard use was closely tied
to exam date: Roughly equal percentages of students
reported that they gradually increase their use of digital
ashcards as the exam approaches (28.4%), begin to use
digital ashcards in the week of the exam (35.1%), or,
perhaps most concerning, tend to use digital ashcards
just in the day or two before an exam (29.7%). College stu-
dents therefore do not appear to take advantage of oppor-
tunities to engage in distributed practice, or spacing,
between their study sessions when using digital ashcards.
Although there was a nearly equal split between respon-
dents who reported using digital ashcards in one large set
(49.2%) versus several smaller sets (50.8%), the mean
reported number of cards in each set for the top three
subject areas in which digital ashcards were used (as pre-
viously discussed) decreased by ranking but was still rela-
tively high overall (mean of 76.8 cards for the rst ranked
subject, 55.5 for the second, and 45.1 for the third).
Use of digital ashcard features
Most respondents (86.5%) reported at least occasional use
of shue features that enable randomisation of the order
in which ashcards appeared. Most respondents ( 84.0%)
also reported using digital ashcard platforms that
enabled them to change how many times a card appears
by starring or marking it as study later, and/or gave
them control over when they could drop (i.e., remove
from further study) cards. However, whereas most respon-
dents did make use of starring or study later functions
(63.9%), nearly half did not endorse using drop functions
(49.8%). (It should be emphasised that the use and avail-
ability of starring or study later functions can occur
independently of drop functions.) This result suggests
that college students are (intentionally or inadvertently)
taking advantage of spacing between specic items, and
consequently receiving greater chances for additional
practice by keeping all the cards in a deck during study
sessions (i.e., students may be engaging in spacing
between repetitions of a card, even if they are not taking
advantage of spacing their study sessions). Further, even
when digital ashcards were dropped, most respondents
(69.0%) reported at least sometimes revisiting those
Amount of practice
The choice of the number of times to study each digital
ashcard was most commonly made using a mixture of
Figure 1. Perceived accuracy of self-made and pre-made digital ashcards.
Note: Respondents gave separate accuracy ratings for self- and pre-made
digital ashcards on a ve-level scale.
Table 4. How digital ashcards are used.
1. When using digital ashcards, what percentage of time are you engaging in the following activities? Note: These numbers should add up to 100% (n =
Activity Mean percentage of time
Practising recall (self-testing) 58.5%
Studying, restudying, reading, or rereading 41.5%
2. Which of the following best describes how you tend to use digital ashcards? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Spaced out (i.e., spread out) throughout the quarter 6.8%
A day or two before the exam 29.7%
Increasing gradually in frequency as the exam approaches 28.4%
The week of the exam 35.1%
3. In general, do you prefer to study digital ashcards as one big set or do you prefer to study digital ashcards in a series of smaller sets? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
I prefer to study one big set 49.2%
I prefer to study several smaller sets 50.8%
4. How many cards, on average, are in your digital ashcard sets for the [top three subjects that you use digital ashcards for]? (n = 701)
Ranking Mean number of cards
1st 76.8
2nd 55.5
3rd 45.1
5. How often do you shue your digital ashcard sets? That is, change the order in which those cards are viewed/used? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Always 31.8%
Often 33.2%
Sometimes 21.4%
Rarely 9.3%
Never 4.3%
6. When you study with digital ashcards, which of the following items best describes how the decision to stop studying a card occurs? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
The digital ashcard programme has complete or most control. 23.0%
You (the learner) and the programme have equal. 35.4%
You have complete or most. 41.7%
7. Do you use any digital ashcard features that allow you to change how many times a card appears or when to stop studying a card (i.e., starring or
study later functions)? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Yes, I have used such functions when available 63.9%
No, I have not used such functions when available 26.1%
No, such functions have not been available 10.0%
8. Do you use any drop (remove from further study) functions when studying with digital ashcards? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Yes, I have used such functions when available 34.2%
No, I have not used such functions when available 49.8%
No, such functions have not been available 15.8%
Response left blank 0.1%
9. How often do you go back to the digital ashcards that you dropped or did not mark for further study? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Always 8.6%
Often 17.4%
Sometimes 43.1%
Rarely 21.7%
Never 7.1%
Response left blank 2.1%
10. Imagine that you are learning with a set of digital ashcards. Which of the following would inuence how many times you studied a card? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
How easily you could remember the card 75.9%
How long you planned to study that day 17.0%
How many times you could correctly recall the card 74.5%
The importance of the particular card 45.6%
Other 0.1%
11. Imagine that you are learning with a set of digital ashcards. How do you decide when you have studied a digital ashcard suciently and DO NOT
need to study it again? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
I felt like I immediately knew the correct answer 66.2%
I recalled the content on the ashcard correctly one time 7.1%
I recalled the content on the ashcard correctly more than once 69.5%
I recalled the content on the ashcard quickly 47.2%
I understood the information 55.2%
Other 0.7%
12. In general, how many times do you successfully recall the information on the back of a DIGITAL ashcard before you drop the DIGITAL ashcard from
study? (Note: your answer needs to be a number or N/A.) (n = 701)
Response Frequency*
0 0.1%
1 0.6%
2 7.8%
uency (75.9%) and accuracy (74.5%). Respondents gener-
ally chose to stop studying when they had recalled the
information on the ashcard correctly more than once
(69.5%), but they also reported using retrieval uency as
a cue for when to stop studying with nearly the same fre-
quency (66.2%). That students in the present study
reported correctly recalling items more than once before
dropping them contrasts with lab-based experiments
which nd that participants tend to drop items after one
correct recall (e.g., Ariel & Karpicke, 2018; Dunlosky &
Rawson, 2015; Karpicke, 2009; Kornell & Bjork, 2008), but
align with the results of a prior survey on students
ashcard usage behaviours (Wissman et al., 2012). The
present results may thus have been inuenced by dier-
ences in and out of the lab environments (see General Dis-
cussion). Regardless, the endorsement of both studying to
criterion (most commonly 3 or 5 correct recalls of a given
ashcard) and uency cues demonstrates that although
most students are aware that more practice is helpful (par-
ticularly for self-testing), they also use potentially inaccur-
ate metacognitive judgments based on their own feelings
to regulate their learning.
Use of correct answer feedback
Only 52.8% of respondents reported that they always
check the correct answer on the back of their digital ash-
cards, which mirrors patterns observed with paper ash-
cards (Wissman et al., 2012). Over half of respondents
also reported that they chose not to check because they
were condent that the information that they had
retrieved was accurate (53.5%), with feelings of uency
as the next most common reason (38.8% endorsing
quick or easy retrieval as their rationale). These results
raise the prospect that students may not be giving them-
selves the feedback necessary for eective self-regulated
learning when using digital ashcards.
Using digital ashcards with peers
As detailed in Table 5, although many respondents
reported sharing their digital ashcards by sending them
to classmates, friends, or study groups ( 38.5%), most
rarely or do not ever use their digital ashcards with a
study partner (65.9%). Of those who did report using
them with a partner, the most common activity was
taking turns quizzing each other (25.2%). Moreover, the
use of digital ashcards with peers yielded relatively
diverse assessments of impacts on motivation, diculty,
eciency, and other characteristics (see Table 5, Question
4 for detailed results).
College students practices and attitudes involving
digital versus paper ashcards
As displayed in Table 6, among users of digital ashcards,
the vast majority, 91.6%, reported also using paper ash-
cards. All remaining results in this section are drawn
from those 642 participants. As an average percentage of
total study time, including activities that did not involve
any ashcards, digital ashcards were far more frequently
used (56.6%) than paper ashcards (24.9%). Respondents
also expressed an overall preference for digital ashcards,
with 60.1% preferring them over paper ashcards. The
most commonly stated reason for preferring the digital
medium was the convenience and ease of obtaining and
2.5** 0.3%
3 23.7%
3.5** 0.1%
4 6.7%
5 18.0%
5.5** 0.1%
6 1.1%
7 2.1%
8 1.7%
10 5.4%
N/A 25.1%
13. When learning with digital ashcards, how often do you check whether the information that you recalled is correct by looking at the back of the
ashcard? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Always 52.8%
Often 36.1%
Sometimes 9.8%
Rarely 1.1%
Never 0.1%
14. If you ever choose NOT to check if the information you recalled is correct by looking at the back of the digital ashcard, what contributes to your
decision? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
I was condent that the information I retrieved was accurate 53.5%
I knew I was going to go back and study that information again 9.1%
I retrieved the information quickly 18.0%
I retrieved the information easily 20.8%
Other 0.4%
I always check 45.6%
Note: (*) Ten (1.43%) responses were not included because respondents listed percentages, and another 36 (5.14%) responses were not included because
respondents listed a number between 15 and 200. (**) Some respondents gave ranges (e.g., 23 times), which were coded as the median of the range.
using digital ashcards, although some respondents pre-
ferred handwriting and reported that it helped them
learn the material more than digital ashcards did (for
detailed results see Table 6, Question 3b).
As shown in Figure 2, respondents tended to use
ashcard sets (31.5%) than paper ones. That result may
speak to the convenience of using digital ashcards,
and specica lly the gre ater ease of crea ting and st oring
a l ar ge set of dig ital ashcards than doing the same
with paper versions. It also suggests that digital ash-
cards may facilitate greater use of within-session
spacing. In addition, respondents reported that they
were more likely to drop paper ashcar ds (35.5% ) than
digital ashcards (22.9% ) in fact, twice the number of
respondents (16.8%) r eported that they were much
more likely to drop paper ashcards than digital ash-
cards than vice versa ( 8.9%). That nding further suggests
that digital ashcard sets may be more conducive to
achieving inter-item spacing within single study sessions.
With respect to the use of feedback, there was little dier-
ence in respondents likelihood of checking the back of paper
versus digital ashcards (see Table 6,Question4).Infact,
70.9% of respondents reported that they were equally
likely to check the backs of their digital and paper ashcards.
That high degree of equivalence suggests that the choice to
use correct answer feedback in the context of ashcard learn-
ing is not heavily inuenced by medium.
As detailed in the Appendix, respondents answers to
other questions addressing paper ashcard use which
Table 5. Using digital ashcards with peers.
1. Do you share your digital ashcards in any of the following ways? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Send to classmates 38.5%
Send to friends 47.9%
Share with study groups 41.1%
Make available for public use 24.1%
Other 0.6%
I do not share my digital ashcards 33.7%
2. How often do you use digital ashcards with a study partner or friend? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Always 1.3%
Often 9.6%
Sometimes 23.3%
Rarely 23.7%
Never 42.2%
3. If you do use digital ashcards with a study partner or friend, how do you do so? Please answer in 12 sentences. If you DO NOT use digital ashcards
with a study partner or friend, please type N/A. (n = 701)
Response category Frequency
Take turns quizzing each other 25.2%
Test themselves simultaneously (i.e., both look at same side) 3.9%
Make or create the cards together (or split the work) 4.3%
Send the cards to each other or share the cards and/or links 15.7%
Study or review the cards simultaneously or together 5.4%
Cross-check information with each others sets 1.9%
Compare errors and/or explain errors to each other 0.9%
N/A 55.3%
Other 0.6%
Response left blank 0.3%
4. How is your experience of using digital ashcards alone dierent from your experience using them with a partner? (Assuming you do use ashcards with
a partner; if not, please write I do not use digital ashcards with a partner.) Please answer in 12 sentences. (n = 701)
Response Category Frequency
Partner provides accountability for errors 6.7%
Partner provides greater focus (accountability) 1.6%
Respondent is more motivated to study with a partner 3.6%
Respondent has greater diculty focusing with a partner 2.7%
Respondent experiences greater pressure with a partner 1.6%
More mental energy required with a partner 0.1%
More time spent per card with a partner 0.1%
Making digital ashcards with a partner is ecient/easier 1.3%
Respondent can proceed at own pace when alone 7.4%
Using digital ashcards alone is more ecient 4.3%
Respondent self-tests when alone instead of testing each other 2.9%
Respondent answers silently when alone instead of aloud 4.4%
Testing is easier with a partner 1.3%
Partner provides more, dierent, or missing information 3.4%
Partner generates more discussion (rather than pure recall) 5.6%
Partner helps gure out how to remember a card 1.0%
More helpful to use digital ashcards with a partner 3.1%
I do not use digital ashcards with a partner 55.5%
No dierence with a partner vs. alone 2.7%
Other 6.4%
Response left blank 0.9%
Table 6. Practices and attitudes involving digital versus paper ashcards.
1. Do you use, or have you ever used, paper ashcards? (n = 701)
Response Frequency
Yes 91.6%
No 8.4%
2. Out of all of your learning activities, what percentage involves using digital ashcards? What percentage involves using paper ashcards? Please provide
your best estimate. Note: These numbers do not necessarily need to add to 100. (n = 701)
Activity Mean percentage of time
Digital ashcards 56.6%
Paper ashcards 24.9%
3a. Do you prefer paper or digital ashcards? (n = 642)
Response Frequency
Paper ashcards 25.7%
Digital ashcards 60.1%
Equal preference 1.4%
Preference depends on situation 4.3%
Response left blank 3.3%
3b. Why do you prefer one over the other? Please explain in 12 sentences. (n = 642)
Response category Frequency
Digital ashcards are easier to search through 1.9%
Digital ashcards are easier to manage, keep track of, and/or organise 11.8%
Digital ashcards are easier, faster, cheaper, or more convenient to make 25.9%
Digital ashcards have unlimited storage and/or take up less space 6.1%
Digital ashcards are more convenient or almost always accessible 37.9%
Digital ashcards are easier to edit 2.6%
Typing is easier than, faster than, or preferable to handwriting 6.2%
Digital ashcards allow copy-paste functions 2.0%
Digital ashcards are more eective 0.3%
Digital ashcards have pre-made sets available (easier and faster to nd) 8.4%
Digital ashcards provide more options or features (e.g., games) 11.7%
Some digital ashcards have pre-determined spaced repetition algorithms 0.6%
Paper ashcards show visual representation of learning (e.g., stack sizes) 1.1%
Easier to draw on paper ashcards 2.8%
Prefer handwriting, which helps with retention 19.6%
Paper ashcards are more eective (learn more) 3.7%
Prefer looking at paper over looking at a screen 2.6%
Prefer using something physical 5.8%
Do not know how to make digital ashcards 0.2%
Paper ashcards are wasteful 8.4%
No reason given (only stated preference) 1.9%
Other 10.4%
Response left blank 9.2%
4. Please rate how likely you are to check the back of the ashcards when using paper ashcards compared to using digital ashcards. (n = 642)
Rating Frequency
I am much more likely to check the back of the ashcard when using paper. (1) 6.1%
2 3.7%
3 6.9%
I am equally likely to check the back of paper and digital ashcards. (4) 70.9%
5 5.6%
6 2.6%
am much more likely to check the back of the ashcard when using digital. (7) 4.2%
5. Please rate how likely you are to drop paper ashcards relative to digital ashcards. (n = 642)
Rating Frequency
I am much more likely to drop paper than digital ashcards. (1) 16.8%
2 9.5%
3 9.2%
I am equally likely to drop paper and digital ashcards. (4) 41.6%
5 7.2%
6 6.9%
I am much more likely to drop digital than paper ashcards. (7) 8.9%
6. Please rate how often you access paper ashcards compared to digital ashcards in the following situations. (n = 642)
Rating During class While studying While travelling
or commuting
I access paper ashcards much more (1) 7.9% 8.9% 5.6%
2 6.5% 6.2% 5.0%
3 4.4% 4.4% 2.2%
I access both types of ashcards equally (4) 22.6% 16.0% 9.8%
5 6.7% 10.1% 5.9%
6 13.4% 18.1% 15.1%
I access digital ashcards much more (7) 38.5% 36.3% 56.4%
were analogous to questions previously posed for digital
ashcards resembled their earlier answers (cf. Wissman
et al., 2012). Responses to ques tions addressing types of
learning activities, how many times a ashcard wa s
used, and when to stop using a ashcard were all
similar for paper and digital ashcards. Hence, students
cues and habits when engaging in self-regulated learning
do not appear to dier in any great way between
Exploratory analyses
Why students choose self-made versus pre-made
digital ashcards
To further examine the surprising nding that most
respondents chose to rely on pre-made digital ashcards
despite tending to doubt the accuracy or quality of such
cards, we conducted correlations that related respondents
frequency of using self- or pre-made digital ashcards with
their reported reasons for doing so (Table 3, Questions 4
and 5). We rst categorised particular answer choices in
Question 5 into broad themes of interest as follows: (a)
quality assurance (I can control the information that goes
on the card, The ashcard sets I make are more accurate
than those found online, and The ashcard sets I make are
higher-quality than those found online) and (b) self-made
advantages (The act of making the ashcards helps me
learn the material and The act of making the ashcards
helps me know what I need to study).
A series of correlation s the n relat ed per cen tage of
time using self-made digital ashcar ds with the number
dents who reported greater time spent using self-made
digital ashcards endorsed more of the answer choices
inthequalityassurancetheme,r (699) = .40, p < .001.
Similarly, respondents who reported greater time spent
using self-made digital ashcards endorsed more of the
answer choices in the self-made advantages theme, r
(699) = .43, p < .001. Endorsement of answer choices
from these two themes was also correlated, r (699)
=.37, p < .001 . Th at is, those who sel ecte d mo re of the
choices in the quality assurance theme also tended to
select more of the choices in the self-made advantages
theme. It is therefore likely that participants who con-
sidered the quality of the digital ashcards they made
themselves were also attuned to the potential benets
of the action of making them, and vice versa.
Using the same process as with Question 6, we cate-
gorised particular answer choices in Question 5 into the
following broad themes: (a) quality assurance (I trust the
information on pre-made ashcard sets, Pre-made
ashcard sets are higher quality than those I can self-gener-
ate, and Pre-made ashcard sets are more accurate than
those I can self-generate) and (b) eciency (I don
the time to make my own ashcard sets and Pre-made
ashcard sets are easily available). As expected, respon-
dents who reported more time using self-made digital
ashcards endorsed fewer answer choices in the quality
assurance theme, r (699) = -.23, p < .001, and fewer
answer choices in the eciency theme, r (699) = -.37, p
< .001. Endorsement of these two themes was also corre-
lated, r (699) = .20, p < .001. In other words, respondents
who reported less belief in pre-made sets accuracy and
less concern about the ease of generating ashcard sets,
as compared to accessing pre-made sets, used pre-made
ashcard sets less frequently.
Rates of self-testing with digital versus paper
To examine whether students engage in similar habits
when using digital and paper ashcards, we correlated
participants percentage of study time self-testing using
digital ashcards (Table 4, Question 1) with percentage
of time self-testing with paper ashcards (Appendix, Ques-
tion 1). Frequency of self-testing across these two
mediums was signicantly correlated such that partici-
pants who reported higher rates of self-testing when
using digital ashcards also reported higher rates of self-
testing when using paper ashcards, r (640) = .53, p
< .001. This nding adds further support to the conclusion
that neither medium encourages greater self-testing than
the other, and that respondents study habits remain rela-
tively stable across both paper and digital ashcard use.
Grade point average
Finally, to test for possible relationships between students
self-reported grade point average (GPA) and their digital
ashcard usage patterns, we also completed three sets
of exploratory correlational analyses. These analyses
were conducted on the 658 participants who provided
such data (those who chose not to report their GPA, did
not have an established GPA yet, or did not use a 4.0
scale were excluded from these analyses). None of the cor-
relations were statistically signicant: Participants who
reported using digital ashcards for more types of infor-
mation (Table 2, Question 7) did not report signicantly
higher GPAs, p = .35, GPA was not signicantly correlated
Figure 2. Comparison of digital and paper ashcard set sizes. Note:
Respondents rated the relative size of digital versus paper ashcard set
on a seven-point scale.
with the frequency of using particular methods to put
information on digital ashcards (Table 3, Question 1),
ps .16, and GPA was not signicantly correlated with
greater use of self-made (or pre-made) digital ashcards
(Table 3, Question 4), p = .64. Hence, digital ashcard
usage patterns do not appear to be predictive of academic
performance, at least as indexed by GPA. It should be
noted, however, that GPA can be aected by factors unre-
lated to digital ashcard use, including the type and
diculty of coursework, and that GPA is a less precise
measure of learning than, for example, specic course
grades. In addition, many respondents reported that
they used digital ashcards to study for standardised
tests, which do not have any bearing on GPA.
General discussion
The foregoing survey investigated the use of digital ash-
cards during self-regulated learning among college stu-
dents. A host of interesting insights emerged. First,
digital ashcards are remarkably popular. The vast majority
of students report using them. Second, digital ashcards
are overwhelmingly regarded as being benecial for study-
ing or learning. However, when it comes to using digital
ashcards to their fullest potential, at least as informed
by evidence-based learning research, our results reveal a
mixed picture. Among todays college students, although
some usage patterns show greater adherence to learning
science-based principles and practices than others, in
other cases, students tend to use ashcards in highly sub-
optimal ways. We next consider these usage patterns in
light of learning practices that are highlighted in the desir-
able diculties framework and supported by evidence-
based learning research.
Do digital ashcard usage patterns align with
evidence-based learning practices?
One of the most promising results in our survey was the
nding that college students commonly use digital ash-
cards to engage in retrieval practice. Hence, it appears
that researcher and instructor recommendations to use
ashcards for the purposes of benecial self-testing are
being heeded. That result is in line with the general popu-
larity of retrieval practice as a learning strategy (e.g.,
Hartwig & Dunlosky, 2012; Pan et al., 2020), although stu-
dents tend to regard self-testing as a method of assessing
ones own learning as opposed to enhancing it (Pan &
Bjork, 2022). Less promisingly, a sizeable minority of
college students report using digital ashcards to
engage in non-retrieval-based strategies (e.g., rereading)
that have dubious pedagogical value (Callender & McDa-
niel, 2009; Dunlosky et al., 2013).
When using digital ashcards to engage in retrieval
practice, many students do not consistently take advan-
tage of correct answer feedback. Instead, they use a
variety of factors to decide whether or not to do so,
some of which are evidence-based (e.g., the prior
number of correct retrievals; Kornell & Bjork, 2008), and
others of which are not (e.g., retrieval speed and uency;
Benjamin et al., 1998). That failure to consistently use feed-
back likely deprives students of learning opportunities. It
should be noted, however, that feedback in the case of
successful retrieval from memory may not always be
necessary (Pashler et al., 2005), and retrieval practice is
generally eective at enhancing learning even in the
absence of correct answer feedback (Roediger et al.,
2006). Nevertheless, the benets of retrieval practice are
often augmented by feedback (Rowland, 2014), and
researcher recommendations to use retrieval practice are
typically accompanied by the advice to use feedback.
Observed usage patterns for digital ashcards are
mixed with respect to spacing. Consistent with the well-
established pattern of cramming for exams (e.g., McIntyre
& Munson, 2008), college students do not often begin
using their digital ashcard sets until close to the exam
date. Such cramming likely deprives students of valuable
time that could have been used to engage in benecial
spacing between study sessions (Sobel et al., 2011).
Indeed, the vast majority of college students did not
endorse a strategy of spacing out the use of digital ash-
cards throughout an academic term, contrary to evidence-
based recommendations to do so. More promisingly, they
tended to endorse the use of starring functions more than
dropping functions, which implies the occurrence of inter-
item spacing during learning sessions. It was also generally
common for students to endorse revisiting individual
ashcards more than once, which can be a further oppor-
tunity for inter-item spacing to occur. It should be noted,
however, that some ashcard programmes allow dropping
items from study after one correct retrieval attempt, which
may inadvertently encourage less e
learning strat-
egies (see Table 1 of Dunlosky & OBrien, 2020 for a com-
parison of several digital ashcard programmes).
Another concerning aspect of college students digital
ashcard practices is an apparent reliance on pre-made
ashcard sets even given doubts about the accuracy or
quality of those sets. This pattern, which was relatively
widespread, suggests that college students engage in
an ease-accuracy trade-o when deciding to make or
obtain digital ashcards that is, they are willing to
take the risk that the digital ashcards that they use
are suboptimal in exchange for the convenience of
quickly obtaining and readying them for use. That ease-
accuracy trade-o assumes that pre-made ashcard sets
can be incomplete or inaccurate, and that students
self-made ashcard sets may be of higher quality than
the ones that they can obtain online. Even if those
assumptions are not met, however, a reliance on pre-
made digital ashcards likely deprives students of the
benets of generating their own content (cf. Bertsch
et al., 2007; Slamecka & Graf, 1978). Recent work has
demonstrated that engaging in generation does indeed
augment the benets of learning with digital ashcards
(Pan et al., 2022). Interestingly, some of our survey
respondents seemed aware of such potential benets
(given that the endorsement of statements related to
the benets of generating ashcards was correlated
with use of self-made ashcards during study).
It is also notable that many college students endorsed
the use of shue functions with digital ashcards. Doing
so can be a way to introduce not just inter-item spacing
but also interleaving of items that is, the intermixing of
dierent concepts, categories, or other types of materials
during learning (Kang, 2016). The interleaving of closely
related concepts when studying, or interleaved practice,
has shown promise at enhancing learning and memory
in such educationally-relevant domains as mathematics
(e.g., Rohrer, 2012) and physics (e.g., Samani & Pan,
2021). However, the optimal approach with which
materials are interleaved has yet to be fully established
(particularly for such domains as language learning; e.g.,
Pan, Lovelett, et al., 2019 ), and the evidence base in
favour of interleaved practice is less established than
that for the other aforementioned eective learning
How do usage patterns compare for digital versus
paper ashcards?
Although college students can use digital ashcards and
paper ashcards in similar ways (see Appendix), our
ndings reveal that college students view digital ashcards
as distinct from paper ashcards: Our sample indicated a
clear preference for digital over paper ashcards, citing
the convenience of creating digital ashcards and the
ease of transporting and accessing these digital ashcards
as primary reasons for their preference for digital ash-
cards over paper ones. Indeed, our results imply a shift in
college students learning habits away from paper to
digital ashcards. That shift is in line with educational
trends showing an increasing move towards digital modal-
ities (National Center for Education Statistics, 2019), accel-
erated by changes in education due to the COVID-19
With respect to evidence-based learning strategies,
some of the usage patterns for digital ashcards resemble
those reported for paper ashcards (e.g., Wissman et al.,
2012), including the relative popularity of retrieval prac-
tice, the underutilisation of feedback, and frequent cram-
ming before exams. However, perhaps because of the
ease of creation, storage, and portability of digital ash-
cards, college students tend to make larger digital
ashcard sets than paper ashcard sets, which may yield
more opportunities for inter-item spacing than with
paper ashcards. In addition, given the greater accessibil-
ity of pre-made digital ashcards, it seems likely that
student users of digital ashcards engage less frequently
in the productive generation of ashcard content than
with paper ashcards (which are commonly created by
methodically writing down to-be-learned information).
A unique characteristic of digital ashcards, as com-
pared to paper ashcards, is that many platforms include
extra features that may enhance learning. For instance,
nearly one-quarter of college students reported using
digital ashcard platforms that had complete or near
total control over when a ashcard was removed from
further study. Designers of these platforms (e.g., Anki)
seem aware that students do not always make optimal
decisions during self-regulated study, and therefore oer
features (e.g., spaced repetitions) that make such decisions
for them. Hence, the use of such platforms (as compared to
using paper ashcards or entirely self-directed digital
ashcard services) may actually aid students seeking to
improve their learning, and especially for students that
may not have ample support or knowledge about evi-
dence-based learning techniques. Moreover, digital
ashcard algorithms (e.g., Colbran et al., 2018; Edge etal.,
are not susceptible to overcondence or inuenced
by retrieval uency, and may therefore, at times, make
more sophisticated learning decisions than students
potentially might make. Similarly, adaptive schedules of
practice (e.g., Mettler et al., 2016) can account for vari-
ations in strength of learning across dierent items
using, for example, response time in addition to accuracy
to maximise learning based on ongoing performance.
Students could potentially even learn valuable learning
practices from such features, and the customisation
oered by many ashcard services (e.g., altering the
spacing between repetitions) could also provide a means
to explore the eectiveness of dierent learning strategies
and associated metacognitive judgments.
Alternatively, however, such features may take away
crucial aspects of what makes self-regulated learning
self-regulated and encourage students to approach
learning sessions on autopilot, resulting in a dependence
on digital ashcard platforms to make learning strategy
decisions for them. Overreliance on digital ashcard plat-
forms may therefore harm learners in some cases. It is
also possible that students who are not yet as skilled in
self-regulated learning may need more scaolding and
rely more on algorithmic digital ashcard platforms,
giving them a chance to see demonstrations of eective
learning strategies in practice. Careful consideration of
which platform to use, in addition to whether to use a
paper or digital medium, is thus necessary when evaluat-
ing how best to address learning goals.
Survey limitations
We note three potential limitations of the foregoing
survey. First, the survey was administered in the fall and
winter of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most stu-
dents were receiving fully remote or hybrid instruction,
which may have increased their reliance on online
resources. While the pandemic likely accelerated the exist-
ing trend toward using more digital tools, the results
reported here should nevertheless be interpreted in the
context of pandemic-era instructional practices. Addition-
ally, the reported results feature responses only from
UCLA students and the sample was dominated by
Quizlet and/or Anki users. It is possible that somewhat
dierent results may have emerged, for example, if com-
munity college students had been sampled or if Quizlet
users had been excluded from participation. Finally, the
use of multiple-choice or multiple-selection formats (as
opposed to open-ended response formats) for most ques-
tions may have led to greater suggestibility in how stu-
dents responded. However, the provided responses in
the present survey likely reect the range of students
possible responses given that a majority of the multiple-
choice and multiple-selection questions and their possible
responses were based on Wissman et al.s(2012) open-
response survey questions and actual student responses.
Directions for future research
The foregoing survey provides vital normative data that
can serve as theoretical and practical grounding for
future explorations of digital ashcard features or pat-
terns of use. Areas for further research include exploring
how digital ashcards could be designed to foster better
metacognition (i.e., using algorithmically controlled vs.
user-controlled digital ashcard platforms), if training
students about how to eectively use digital ashcards
(i.e., instructions to always check the back of the ash-
cards after retrieval) could help optimise the use of
digital ashcards, investigating the environments in
which digital ashcards are used (cf. Imundo et al.,
2021), whether creating and/or using digital ashcards
collaboratively (which our survey data imply is currently
relatively rare) could confer additional benets beyond
working alone, and any signicant associations of
digital ashcard use with academic performance
(although our analyses involving GPA did not detect
any such patterns). Additionally, our results suggest
that students primarily use ashcards to learn relatively
low-level (e.g., vocabulary) as compared to high-level
(e.g., worked examples) content (cf. Pan et al., 2019);
future studies could explore if digital ashcards are
indeed only useful for learning such basic content, or if
there are benets to incorporating higher-level infor-
mation in digital ashcard sets (perhaps by taking advan-
tage of multimedia presentation features). Future
research could also explore instructors incorporation of
digital ashcards into their classroom practices, which
include oering students instructor-created ashcard
sets, creating study guides in the form of ashcards, or
the use of auxiliary features of ashcard platforms (e.g.,
ashcard-based games) as class activities.
Finally, as digital ashcard technologies continue to
evolve, it will be important for researchers to keep
abreast of new developments and investigate their
impacts on student learning. Going forward, it is likely
that digital ashcards will continue to be an important
strategy for college students when they engage in self-
regulated learning. Hence, research on the subject
stands to remain important and relevant for years to come.
1. Wissman et al. (2012) did not specify which type (paper or
digital) of ashcards students used in their original survey.
However, because the default conception of ashcards is
often of physical (i.e., paper) ones, we opted to use wording
in our questions that would dierentiate between the two
2. Average total time spent on the survey includes only the times
of the participants who answered that they had used digital
ashcards before (701) and excludes times that were greater
than 2 h (15) for a total of 686 times.
The authors wish to thank Shanae Wong and Emily Marquez for their
assistance with coding survey responses. We are also grateful to Steve
Reiss and Noreen Webb for their advice on data analysis procedures.
The authors also thank members of the Bjork Learning and Forgetting
Laboratory at UCLA and Naomi Eisenberger for their thoughtful sug-
gestions and discussions throughout the development of this project.
Thanks to John Dunlosky and an anonymous reviewer for helpful
comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.
Data availability statement
Data and materials for this study are archived at the Open Science Fra-
mework at:
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This research was supported by a scholarship from the Undergradu-
ate Research Scholars Program at UCLA and the Kroner Family
Endowed Fellowship at UCSD awarded to I.Z.
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Table A1. Survey questions addressing paper ashcard use.
1. When using paper ashcards, what percentage of time are you engaging in the following activities? Note: These numbers should add up to 100% (n =
Activity Mean percentage of time
Practising recall (self-testing) 62.1%
Studying, restudying, reading, or rereading 37.9%
2. How often do you shue your paper ashcard sets? That is, change the order in which those cards are viewed/used? (n = 642)
Response Frequency
Always 30.4%
Often 36.1%
Sometimes 19.5%
Rarely 11.2%
Never 2.8%
Response left blank 9.2%
3. Imagine that you are studying with a set of paper ashcards. Which of the following would inuence how many times you studied a card? ( n = 642)
Response Frequency
How easily you could remember the card 77.6%
How long you planned to study that day 21.2%
How many times you could correctly recall the card 79.9%
The importance of the particular card 51.1%
Other 0.0%
4. Imagine that you are studying with a set of paper ashcards. How do you decide when you have studied a paper ashcard suciently? (n = 642)
Response Frequency
I felt like I immediately knew the correct answer 71.3%
I recalled the content on the ashcard correctly one time 8.4%
I recalled the content on the ashcard correctly more than once 71.2%
I recalled the content on the ashcard quickly 53.0%
I understood the information 56.2%
Other 0.2%
5. In general, how many times do you successfully recall the information on the back of a paper ashcard before you drop the paper ashcard from study?
(Assuming that you drop cards; if not, please indicate that you do not drop cards by typing N/A.) Note: Your answer needs to be a number. (n = 642)
Response Frequency*
1 2.2%
2 9.2%
2.5** 0.5%
3 26.5%
3.5** 0.2%
4 5.8%
5 18.4%
5.5** 0.2%
6 1.2%
7 2.2%
8 2.2%
10 5.0%
N/A 20.2%
6. How often do you go back to the paper ashcards that you dropped? (n = 642)
Response Frequency
Always 12.9%
Often 21.0%
Sometimes 39.3%
Rarely 18.1%
Never 5.9%
Response left blank 2.8%
Note: (*) Ten (1.6%) responses were not included here because respondents listed percentages. Another 31 (4.8%) responses were not included because
respondents listed a number between 15 and 99. (**) Some respondents gave ranges (e.g., 23 times), which were coded as the median of the range.