Fact sheet | June 30, 2024
PIMCO Income Fund
Bond fund | Institutional Class
Fund facts
†Risk level
Low High
Total net
Expense ratio
as of 06/30/24
1 2 3 4 5
$91,915 MM 0.62 % PIMIX 426.00 % 03/30/07 3926
Investment objective
The investment seeks to maximize current income;
long-term capital appreciation is a secondary
Bloomberg US Agg Bond TR USD
Annual returns
†Morningstar Risk evaluates a mutual fund's downside volatility relative to that of other funds in its Morningstar Category. It is an assessment of the variations in a fund's monthly
returns, with an emphasis on downside variations, in comparison with the mutual funds in its Morningstar Category. In each Morningstar Category, the 10% of funds with the
lowest measured risk are described as Low Risk (LOW), the next 22.5% Below Average (-AVG), the middle 35% Average (AVG), the next 22.5% Above Average (+AVG), and the top
10% High (HIGH). Morningstar Risk is measured for up to three time periods (three-, five-, and 10 years). These separate measures are then weighted and averaged to produce an
overall measure for the mutual fund. Funds with less than three years of performance history are not rated.
F3926 062024
Investment strategy
The fund invests at least 65% of its total assets in a
multi-sector portfolio of Fixed Income Instruments
of varying maturities, which may be represented by
forwards or derivatives such as options, futures
contracts or swap agreements. It may invest up to
50% of its total assets in high yield securities rated
below investment grade by Moody’s, S&P or Fitch,
or if unrated, as determined by PIMCO.
General note
An additional recordkeeping or administrative fee may
be charged to participants investing plan assets in the
fund. The recordkeeping fee will be deducted directly
from participants’ accounts. Please log on to your
employer plans at Vanguard.com, or contact
Participant Services at 1-800-523-1188, prior to
investing, for additional fee information.
Annual returns
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Fund 7.18 2.63 8.72 8.60 0.58 8.05 5.80 2.61 -7.81 9.32
Benchmark 5.97 0.55 2.65 3.54 0.01 8.72 7.51 -1.54 -13.01 5.53
Total returns
Periods ended June 30, 2024
Total returns Quarter Year to date One year Three years Five years Ten years
Fund 0.44% 1.82% 7.24% 1.12% 2.67% 3.98%
Benchmark 0.07% -0.71% 2.63% -3.02% -0.23% 1.35%
The performance data shown represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results.
Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate, so investors’ shares, when sold, may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited.
For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at
vanguard.com/performance .
Figures for periods of less than one year are cumulative returns. All other figures represent average annual
returns. Performance figures include the reinvestment of all dividends and any capital gains distributions. All
returns are net of expenses.
Distribution by issuer–bonds
Government Related 31.9%
Cash & Equivalents 24.4
Agency Mortgage Backed 14.7
Asset Backed 7.4
Future/Forward 6.5
Government 4.6
NonAgency Residential MBS 3.8
Swap 3.4
Corporate Bond 2.3
Commercial MBS 0.6
Fact sheet | June 30, 2024
PIMCO Income Fund
Bond fund | Institutional Class
© 2024 The Vanguard Group, Inc. All rights reserved. F3926 062024
Risk terms
Short Sale : Selling securities short may be subject to the risk that an advisor does not correctly predict the movement of the security, resulting in a loss if a security must be purchased on the
market above its initial borrowing price to return to the lender, in addition to interest paid to the lender for borrowing the security.
Credit and Counterparty : The issuer or guarantor of a fixed-income security, counterparty to an OTC derivatives contract, or other borrower may not be able to make timely principal, interest, or
settlement payments on an obligation. In this event, the issuer of a fixed-income security may have its credit rating downgraded or defaulted, which may reduce the potential for income and value
of the portfolio.
Prepayment (Call) : The issuer of a debt security may be able to repay principal prior to the securitys maturity because of an improvement in its credit quality or falling interest rates. In this event,
this principal may have to be reinvested in securities with lower interest rates than the original securities, reducing the potential for income.
Currency : Investments in securities traded in foreign currencies or more directly in foreign currencies are subject to the risk that the foreign currency will decline in value relative to the U.S. dollar,
which may reduce the value of the portfolio. Investments in currency hedging positions are subject to the risk that the value of the U.S. dollar will decline relative to the currency being hedged, which
may result in a loss of money on the investment as well as the position designed to act as a hedge. Cross-currency hedging strategies and active currency positions may increase currency risk
because actual currency exposure may be substantially different from that suggested by the portfolios holdings.
Emerging Markets : Investments in emerging- and frontier-markets securities may be subject to greater market, credit, currency, liquidity, legal, political, and other risks compared with assets
invested in developed foreign countries.
Foreign Securities : Investments in foreign securities may be subject to increased volatility as the value of these securities can change more rapidly and extremely than can the value of U.S.
securities. Foreign securities are subject to increased issuer risk because foreign issuers may not experience the same degree of regulation as U.S. issuers do and are held to different reporting,
accounting, and auditing standards. In addition, foreign securities are subject to increased costs because there are generally higher commission rates on transactions, transfer taxes, higher
custodial costs, and the potential for foreign tax charges on dividend and interest payments. Many foreign markets are relatively small, and securities issued in less-developed countries face the
risks of nationalization, expropriation or confiscatory taxation, and adverse changes in investment or exchange control regulations, including suspension of the ability to transfer currency from a
country. Economic, political, social, or diplomatic developments can also negatively impact performance.
Loss of Money : Because the investments market value may fluctuate up and down, an investor may lose money, including part of the principal, when he or she buys or sells the investment.
Not FDIC Insured : The investment is not a deposit or obligation of, or guaranteed or endorsed by, any bank and is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve
Board, or any other U.S. governmental agency.
Income : The investment’s income payments may decline depending on fluctuations in interest rates and the dividend payments of its underlying securities. In this event, some investments may
attempt to pay the same dividend amount by returning capital.
Issuer : A stake in any individual security is subject to the risk that the issuer of that security performs poorly, resulting in a decline in the securitys value. Issuer-related declines may be caused by
poor management decisions, competitive pressures, technological breakthroughs, reliance on suppliers, labor problems or shortages, corporate restructurings, fraudulent disclosures, or other
factors. Additionally, certain issuers may be more sensitive to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments.
Interest Rate : Most securities are subject to the risk that changes in interest rates will reduce their market value.
Market/Market Volatility : The market value of the portfolios securities may fall rapidly or unpredictably because of changing economic, political, or market conditions, which may reduce the value
of the portfolio.
Convertible Securities : Investments in convertible securities may be subject to increased interest-rate risks, rising in value as interest rates decline and falling in value when interest rates rise, in
addition to their market value depending on the performance of the common stock of the issuer. Convertible securities, which are typically unrated or rated lower than other debt obligations, are
secondary to debt obligations in order of priority during a liquidation in the event the issuer defaults.
Equity Securities : The value of equity securities, which include common, preferred, and convertible preferred stocks, will fluctuate based on changes in their issuers financial conditions, as well as
overall market and economic conditions, and can decline in the event of deteriorating issuer, market, or economic conditions.
High-Yield Securities : Investments in below-investment-grade debt securities and unrated securities of similar credit quality, commonly known as "junk bonds" or "high-yield securities," may be
subject to increased interest, credit, and liquidity risks.
Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities : Investments in mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities may be subject to increased price volatility because of changes in interest rates,
issuer information availability, credit quality of the underlying assets, market perception of the issuer, availability of credit enhancement, and prepayment of principal. The value of ABS and MBS
may be adversely affected if the underlying borrower fails to pay the loan included in the security.
Other : The investments performance may be impacted by its concentration in a certain type of security, adherence to a particular investing strategy, or a unique aspect of its structure and costs.
Restricted/Illiquid Securities : Restricted and illiquid securities may fall in price because of an inability to sell the securities when desired. Investing in restricted securities may subject the portfolio to
higher costs and liquidity risk.
Derivatives : Investments in derivatives may be subject to the risk that the advisor does not correctly predict the movement of the underlying security, interest rate, market index, or other financial
asset, or that the value of the derivative does not correlate perfectly with either the overall market or the underlying asset from which the derivative’s value is derived. Because derivatives usually
involve a small investment relative to the magnitude of liquidity and other risks assumed, the resulting gain or loss from the transaction will be disproportionately magnified. These investments may
result in a loss if the counterparty to the transaction does not perform as promised.
Leverage : Leverage transactions may increase volatility and result in a significant loss of value if a transaction fails. Because leverage usually involves investment exposure that exceeds the initial
investment, the resulting gain or loss from a relatively small change in an underlying indicator will be disproportionately magnified.
Sovereign Debt : Investments in debt securities issued or guaranteed by governments or governmental entities are subject to the risk that an entity may delay or refuse to pay interest or principal
on its sovereign debt because of cash flow problems, insufficient foreign reserves, or political or other considerations. In this event, there may be no legal process for collecting sovereign debts that
a governmental entity has not repaid.
Management : Performance is subject to the risk that the advisors asset allocation and investment strategies do not perform as expected, which may cause the portfolio to underperform its
benchmark, other investments with similar objectives, or the market in general. The investment is subject to the risk of loss of income and capital invested, and the advisor does not guarantee its
value, performance, or any particular rate of return.
Note on frequent trading restrictions
Frequent trading policies may apply to those funds offered as investment options within your plan. Please log on to vanguard.com for your employer plans or contact
Participant Services at 800-523-1188 for additional information.
© 2024 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The share class assets and fund profile information: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed;
and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past
performance is no guarantee of future results.
For more information about any fund offered, call 800-523-1188 to obtain a prospectus or, if available, a summary prospectus. Investment objectives, risks, charges,
expenses, and other important information about a fund are contained in the prospectus; read and consider it carefully before investing.