Infor LN Procurement User
Guide for Requests for
Quotation (RFQs)
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Publication Information
procrfqug (U9821)Document code
10.4 (10.4)Release
June 20, 2022Publication date
About this document
.................7Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................................
.................7Overview of RFQ handling...........................................................................................
.................7RFQ master data...............................................................................................
.................7RFQ procedure..................................................................................................
.................8RFQ additional processes..................................................................................
.................9Chapter 2 Procedure...........................................................................................................
.................9Request for quotation procedure.................................................................................
.................9Creating and sending RFQs..............................................................................
...............10Receiving, negotiating, comparing, and selecting RFQ responses...................
...............13Chapter 3 Criteria sets........................................................................................................
...............13Specifying criteria and criteria sets for RFQs..............................................................
...............15Chapter 4 Scores.................................................................................................................
...............15Calculating total scores for criteria...............................................................................
...............15Delivery time......................................................................................................
...............16Vendor rating......................................................................................................
...............16Subjective criterion.............................................................................................
...............17Net purchase price.............................................................................................
...............17Net bidder price..................................................................................................
...............17Net price.............................................................................................................
...............21Chapter 5 Response ranking..............................................................................................
...............21Ranking RFQ responses.............................................................................................
...............21Ranking based on criteria set............................................................................
...............21Ranking based on prices...................................................................................
...............23Chapter 6 Additional processes.........................................................................................
Table of Contents
...............23RFQs - additional processes.......................................................................................
...............23Landed costs on RFQs......................................................................................
...............23Material prices on RFQs....................................................................................
...............24Printing RFQ reminders.....................................................................................
...............24Printing letters for unsuccessful bidders............................................................
...............24Project pegging..................................................................................................
...............24Specifying supplier stage payments..................................................................
...............24Subcontracted items on RFQs...........................................................................
...............25Viewing, printing, and deleting RFQ history.......................................................
...............27Appendix A Glossary..........................................................................................................
This document provides an introduction to requests for quotation (RFQs) and explains the steps and
functions in the RFQ procedure. The process to set up criteria, calculate scores for the criteria, and rank
responses are also detailed.
This document describes the request for quotation (RFQ) procedure in Procurement.
Assumed knowledge
Although you need no detailed knowledge of the LN software to read this guide, general knowledge of
the Infor LN functionality will help you understand this guide.
Document summary
This table shows the chapters of this guide:
ContentChapter titleChapter number
Introduction to RFQs and references to
the RFQ master data, RFQ procedure,
and additional processes
IntroductionChapter 1
Steps in the RFQ procedureProcedureChapter 2
Setup of criteria and criteria setsCriteria setsChapter 3
Calculation of scores for criteriaScoresChapter 4
Ranking of bidders based on scoresResponse rankingChapter 5
Additional functionality in the RFQ pro-
Additional processesChapter 6
Use this guide as the primary reference for RFQs. Use the current editions of these related references
to research information that is not covered in this guide:
User Guide for Purchase Master Data U9817 US
Use this guide to understand the setup of purchase master data.
User Guide for Landed Costs U9675 US
Use this guide to understand the setup and use of landed costs.
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 5
About this document
User Guide for Supplier Stage Payments U9819 US
Use this guide to understand the setup and use of supplier stage payments.
User Guide for Project Pegging U9777 US
Use this guide to understand the project pegging functionality.
User Guide for Subcontracting U9361 US
Use this guide to understand the subcontracting functionality.
User Guide for Budget Control U9655 US
Use this guide to understand the budget control functionality.
User Guide for Purchase Requisitions U9820 US
Use this guide to understand the purchase requisition procedure.
User Guide for Purchase Orders U9824 US
Use this guide to understand the purchase order procedure.
User Guide for Purchase Vendor Rating U9823 US
Use this guide to understand the purchase vendor rating procedure.
User Guide for Pricing U9179 US
Use this guide to understand the pricing functionality.
User Guide for Material Pricing U9865 US
Use this guide to understand the material pricing functionality.
How to read this document
This document was assembled from online Help topics. As a result, references to other sections in the
manual are presented as shown in the following example:
For details, refer to Introduction. To locate the referred section, please refer to the Table of Contents or
use the Index at the end of the document.
Underlined terms indicate a link to a glossary definition. If you view this document online, clicking the
underlined term takes you to the glossary definition at the end of the document.
We continually review and improve our documentation. Any remarks/requests for information concerning
this document or topic are appreciated. Please e-mail your comments to .
In your e-mail, refer to the document number and title. More specific information will enable us to process
feedback efficiently.
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6 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
About this document
Overview of RFQ handling
With the request for quotation (RFQ) procedure, you can send RFQs to bidders for the procurement of
goods. On an RFQ, information regarding items, quantities, and required receipt dates can be specified.
You can send the RFQ to one or a range of bidders based on the approved source list. After receipt of
the RFQ responses, the results can be negotiated, compared, and ranked. An accepted response can
be copied to a purchase contract, a purchase order, or a supplier price book.
RFQs can be generated from planned orders, requisitions, or purchase contracts. They can also be
manually specified.
RFQ master data
Before you can carry out the RFQ procedure, you must specify the purchase master data.
For more information, refer to:
Purchase item data
Purchase organizational data
General purchase data
Specifying criteria and criteria sets for RFQs (p. 13)
You must also specify the RFQ parameters in the Request for Quotation Parameters (tdpur0100m100)
RFQ procedure
The RFQ procedure includes these processes:
Creating and sending RFQs to bidders
Receiving, negotiating, comparing, and selecting the bidders' responses.
For more information, refer to Request for quotation procedure (p. 9).
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 7
Chapter 1
RFQ additional processes
A number of processes do not always occur in the RFQ procedure, but can be applicable in specific
For more information, refer to RFQs - additional processes (p. 23).
8 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
Request for quotation procedure
You can use the request for quotation (RFQ) procedure to request bidders (buy-from business partners)
to provide you with an offer for goods and services. You can compare the received RFQ responses
(bids) to select the one that best fits your requirements.
These RFQ procedures are available:
Manual RFQ procedure
Use this procedure to manually create RFQs and send them to bidders. You can select the
bidders to whom you want to send an RFQ manually, or based on the approved supplier list.
Generate RFQ procedure
Use this procedure to automatically generate RFQs and send them to bidders. The creation
of RFQs and the assignment to bidders is performed in one of the generate sessions.
Use the manual RFQ procedure to create an RFQ for one item. If you want to create an RFQ for several
items and/or several item groups, the generate RFQ procedure is more suitable.
The request for quotation (RFQ) procedure includes these phases:
1. Creating and sending RFQs to bidders
2. Receiving, negotiating, comparing, and selecting the bidders' responses
On a request for quotation (RFQ) line, the item code can be blank. Therefore, the requester can request
to bid for a new item. When the status of a response line that is linked to the RFQ line is Accepted, the
item code becomes mandatory.
Creating and sending RFQs
Step 1: Request for Quotation (tdpur1600m000)
Use the Request for Quotation (tdpur1600m000) session to:
Create RFQs in the manual RFQ procedure
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 9
Chapter 2
View RFQs in the generate RFQ procedure
RFQ generation occurs in one of these sessions:
Generate Requests for Quotation (tdpur1220m000)
Generates RFQs for a range of items or item groups and enables you to select the bidders
to send the RFQs to.
Convert Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2201m000)
Converts purchase requisition lines to an RFQ.
Generate RFQs from Contracts (tdpur3201m000)
Copies purchase contract lines to RFQs and enables you to link the bidders to whom to
send the RFQs.
Transfer Order Planning (cppat1210m000)
Transfers the planned purchase orders from Order Planning to Procurement. If LN cannot
find a buy-from business partner for the item, the planned purchase order can be transferred
to an RFQ.
Step 2: RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000)/ Add Bidders to RFQ (tdpur1221m000)
This step only applies to the manual RFQ procedure. In the generate RFQ procedure, the generated
RFQs are directly linked to the selected bidders.
In the manual RFQ procedure, you can link bidders to RFQs as follows:
Manually in the RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000) session
Automatically in the Add Bidders to RFQ (tdpur1221m000) session, and optionally, based on
an approved supplier list
On the Bidders tab in the Request for Quotation (tdpur1600m000) session, you can view which bidders
are linked to the RFQ.
Step 3: Print Requests for Quotation (tdpur1401m000)
After the RFQ is created and bidders are linked, you must print the RFQ in the Print Requests for
Quotation (tdpur1401m000) session to send it to the bidders.
Receiving, negotiating, comparing, and selecting RFQ responses
Step 1: RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000)
RFQ responses received from a bidder can be specified in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000)
session. An RFQ response includes one or more response lines.
Step 2: RFQ Negotiations (tdpur1606m000)
Optionally, you can negotiate the bidder's responses and specify your counter proposals in the RFQ
Negotiations (tdpur1606m000) session.
10 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
The latest negotiation response information, which includes prices, discounts, and dates is synchronized
to the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session. Counter proposal information is not synchronized.
Step 3: RFQ Compare Responses (tdpur1600m100)
You can compare and rank the RFQ responses using the RFQ line, RFQ bidder, and RFQ response
In the RFQ Compare Responses (tdpur1600m100) session, the response lines with the status
Responded, Negotiating, or Accepted can be compared and ranked. This session helps you select
the best responses for conversion. You can perform an analysis for a single line or all the lines of the
The response lines are compared and ranked based on:
Objective and subjective criteria, if a criteria set is specified for the RFQ.
Prices and amounts. Prices and amounts can also include landed costs (bidder and third
Note: Although no criteria set is required for a comparison based on prices and amounts, you can also
specify prices as criteria in a criteria set.
You can use the following sessions to view the ranked response lines, which are displayed as tabs in
the RFQ Compare Responses (tdpur1600m100) session:
RFQ Compare Responses Based on Criteria Set (tdpur1511m000)
RFQ Compare Responses Based on Prices (tdpur1511m100)
RFQ Compare Responses Based on Criteria Set Grouped by Bidder (tdpur1511m200)
RFQ Compare Responses Based on Amounts Grouped by Bidder (tdpur1511m300)
For more information, refer to:
Specifying criteria and criteria sets for RFQs (p. 13).
Calculating total scores for criteria (p. 15)
Ranking RFQ responses (p. 21)
Step 4: Convert RFQs (tdpur1202m000)
After accepting a response line, for which you set the status to Accepted, you can use the Convert
RFQs (tdpur1202m000) session to convert the response line to a purchase order, purchase contract,
or price book.
For a selected response line, you can start this session as follows:
By clicking Convert RFQs on the appropriate menu of the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000)
session. This command is enabled only if the Conversion Action field is set to Convert and
the Conversion Type field is specified in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session.
By clicking Convert and then Convert to Order, Convert to Contract, or Convert to Price
Book on the appropriate menu of the RFQ Compare Responses Based on Criteria Set
(tdpur1511m000), RFQ Compare Responses Based on Prices (tdpur1511m100), RFQ Compare
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 11
Responses Based on Criteria Set Grouped by Bidder (tdpur1511m200), or RFQ Compare
Responses Based on Amounts Grouped by Bidder (tdpur1511m300) sessions.
Step 5: Delete Requests for Quotation (tdpur1205m000)/ Process Non-Converted
RFQ Responses (tdpur1223m000)
Use the Delete Requests for Quotation (tdpur1205m000) session to delete RFQs that are expired, have
no response returned, or were never linked to a bidder.
Use the Process Non-Converted RFQ Responses (tdpur1223m000) session to process response lines
for which the Conversion Action is Ignore, or delete response lines for which the Conversion Action
is Delete.
12 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
Specifying criteria and criteria sets for RFQs
You can compare and rank response lines based on the objective and subjective criteria specified for
the criteria set that is linked to the RFQ.
Objective criteria are tracked by Infor LN, whereas subjective criteria are user-defined. When comparing
response lines, Infor LN considers all the objective and subjective criteria for the RFQ, including the
user specified weightings, to calculate a total score for the response lines. Consequently, the response
lines can be ranked.
To use criteria to evaluate responses:
1. Specify criteria sets in the RFQ Criteria Sets (tdpur1190m000) session. A criteria set is a list
of RFQ criterions that can be linked to an RFQ header. The responses are evaluated based
on these criteria.
2. Specify the RFQ subjective criteria in the RFQ Subjective Criteria (tdpur1191m000) session.
You must only specify the subjective RFQ criteria, because the objective criteria are predefined
in Infor LN.
3. Define a criteria set (by linking the required criteria to a set) in the RFQ Criteria by Criteria Set
(tdpur1192m000) session. You must also indicate the significance of the various criteria by
assigning weightings to the same.
4. For the criterion types Quantity, Delivery Time, and Subjective, specify the values and
assign scores to the values in the RFQ Criterion Scoring Schemes (tdpur1193m000) session.
If you do not specify a scoring scheme for the objective criteria, Infor LN uses predefined
system values.
5. After receiving a bidder's response, link subjective values to the response in the RFQ Response
- Subjective Criterion Scores (tdpur1195m000) session. LN calculates the objective criteria.
You can also use the RFQ Criteria Set (tdpur1690m000) session to specify a criteria set with
linked criteria and a scoring scheme.
For comparisons based on prices and amounts, a criteria set is not required. However, you
can also specify prices as criteria in the criteria set.
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 13
Chapter 3
Criteria sets
If the concerned bidder is selected for vendor rating, Infor LN also considers vendor rating
when comparing responses.
14 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
Criteria sets
Calculating total scores for criteria
After sending requests for quotation (RFQs) to bidders, you can rank the RFQ responses that you receive
from the bidders. The total score must be calculated for each response line before LN can rank the
response lines.
Scores are calculated for each criterion specified in the criteria set, which is linked to the RFQ. If a criteria
set is not specified for the RFQ, scores are not calculated. The response lines can still be compared
and ranked (based on prices and amounts), but the scores are not calculated.
To determine the scores of the criterion types Quantity, Delivery Time, and Subjective, the RFQ
Criterion Scoring Schemes (tdpur1193m000) is used. Net Purchase Price, Net Bidder Price, Net
Price, and Vendor Rating scores are not specified in the scoring schemes session. Price related scores
are based on the response line with the lowest price and with a valid status.
For Subjective criteria, after receiving a bidder's response, you must manually link subjective values
to the response in the RFQ Response - Subjective Criterion Scores (tdpur1195m000) session.
When calculating the total score for a response line, Infor LN also considers the weightings. You can
use the RFQ Criteria by Criteria Set (tdpur1192m000) session to assign weightings to the criteria in the
criteria set.
Delivery time
A total score for the criterion type Delivery Time is calculated based on the delivery time difference
between the RFQ line and the response line.
The methods to calculate the delivery time difference:
RFQ planned receipt date - response planned receipt date
RFQ lead time - response lead time
(RFQ start date - response start date) + (RFQ end date - response end date)
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 15
Chapter 4
LN retrieves the values and scores for the time difference from the RFQ Criterion Scoring Schemes
(tdpur1193m000) session.
Negative values imply that the bidder expects to deliver later than the requested time specified in the
RFQ line, implying a low score. High values indicate that the bidder expects to deliver earlier than the
requested time for the RFQ line.
The total delivery time score calculated method:
DW * retrieved score for the delivery time difference / 100
A total score for the criterion type Quantity is calculated based on the deviation in quantity between the
RFQ line and the response line.
The quantity deviation calculation method:
(RFQ line quantity - response line quantity) * 100
LN retrieves the values and scores for the quantity deviation from the RFQ Criterion Scoring Schemes
(tdpur1193m000) session.
High values indicate that the response line quantity is less than the requested quantity, implying a low
score. Negative values indicate that the response line quantity is higher than the RFQ line quantity.
The total quantity score calculation method:
QW * retrieved score for the quantity deviation / 100
Vendor rating
A total score for the criterion type Vendor Rating is calculated based on vendor rating.
LN retrieves the vendor rating percentage from the Vendor Ratings by Period (tdpur8102m000) and the
Vendor Ratings by Criterion (tdpur8102m100) sessions.
The total vendor rating score calculation method:
VW * vendor rating percentage / 100
Subjective criterion
A total score for the criterion type Subjective is calculated based on the subjective criterion.
16 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
You can specify subjective values and scores for the criterion in the RFQ Criterion Scoring Schemes
(tdpur1193m000) session.
When the status of a response line is set to Responded, LN creates the subjective criteria of the RFQ
criteria set in the RFQ Response - Subjective Criterion Scores (tdpur1195m000) session. You must
manually link a subjective value to the subjective criterion for the response line.
The total score calculation method:
SW * retrieved score for the subjective value / 100
Net purchase price
The total score for the criterion type Net Purchase Price is calculated based on the offered net purchase
LN retrieves the lowest response net Purchase Price and the current response net Purchase Price
from the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session. The lowest response price is the lowest submitted
price of all the selected bidders of an RFQ. The current response price is the price of the specific bidder.
The total score calculation method:
NPPW * ((lowest response net purchase price / current response net purchase
price) * 100) / 100
Net bidder price
The total score for the criterion type Net Bidder Price is calculated based on the offered net bidder
price, which includes bidder landed costs and excludes third party landed costs.
LN retrieves the lowest response Net Bidder Price and the current response Net Bidder Price from
the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session. The lowest response price is the lowest submitted price
of all the selected bidders of an RFQ. The current response price is the price of the specific bidder.
The total score calculation method:
NBPW * ((lowest response net bidder price / current response net bidder price)
* 100) / 100
Net price
The total score for the criterion type Net Price is calculated based on the offered net bidder price, which
includes all landed costs (bidder and third party).
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 17
LN retrieves the lowest response Net Price and the current response Net Price from the RFQ Responses
(tdpur1506m000) session. The lowest response price is the lowest submitted price of all the selected
bidders of an RFQ. The current response price is the price of the specific bidder.
The total score calculation method:
NPW * ((lowest response net price / current response net price) * 100) / 100
Weighting for the delivery time
Weighting for the quantity differ-
Weighting for the vendor ratingVW
Weighting for the subjective crite-
Weighting for the net purchase
Weighting for the net bidder priceNBPW
Weighting for the net priceNPW
The following criteria, values, scores, and weightings are specified for the criteria set linked to the RFQ:
Criterion type: SubjectiveCriterion type: Delivery Time
Weighting: 45Weighting: 10
ScoreColourScoreDelivery time
25Red100In time
20Yellow75One day early
18 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
15Blue75One day late
Response lines
Response 1 for Bidder A
Delivery time: in time
Color: green
Response 2 for Bidder B
Delivery time: one day late
Color: yellow
The total score for the response lines is calculated as follows:
Response 1 for Bidder A
100 * 10 / 100 = 10
3 * 45 / 100 = 1
Total score = 11
Response 2 for Bidder B
70 * 10 / 100 = 7
20 * 45 / 100 = 9
Total score = 16
Consequently, response line 2 ranks higher than response line 1.
After the total scores are calculated, you can rank the responses. For more information, refer to Ranking
RFQ responses (p. 21).
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 19
20 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
Ranking RFQ responses
RFQ response lines are ranked based on the total (citeria) score, and based on the price of the lines.
Ranking based on prices and amounts is always performed. Ranking based on criteria set and the
calculation of criteria scores is performed only if a criteria set is specified for the RFQ.
Ranking based on criteria set
If a criteria set is specified for the RFQ, scores are calculated for each criterion specified in the criteria
set. You can view the ranking based on the total score for response lines, or bidders in these sessions:
RFQ Compare Responses Based on Criteria Set (tdpur1511m000)
For each response line that is compared, the score is displayed by criteria set. The ranking
of the lines is based on the total score for each line.
RFQ Compare Responses Based on Criteria Set Grouped by Bidder (tdpur1511m200)
For each bidder, the score is displayed by criteria set. The ranking of the lines is based on
the total score for each bidder. If the All lines included check box is selected, the bidder
responded to all requested items. Bidders who responded to all items are ranked higher.
The higher the score, the higher the ranking.
Ranking based on prices
Response lines are always compared and ranked based on prices and amounts. You can view the
ranking based on the total price for response lines, or the total amount for bidders, in these sessions:
RFQ Compare Responses Based on Prices (tdpur1511m100)
For each response line that is compared, the Net Price, Net Bidder Price, and Net Purchase
Price are displayed. By default, the ranking of the lines is based on the net price, but this can
be modified.
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 21
Chapter 5
Response ranking
RFQ Compare Responses Based on Amounts Grouped by Bidder (tdpur1511m300)
For each bidder, the sum of the prices converted to amounts is displayed. Because different
RFQ lines can have different units, the responses are compared based on amounts. By default,
the ranking of the lines is based on the net amount, but this can be modified. If the All lines
included check box is selected, a bidder responded to all requested items. Bidders who
responded to all items are ranked higher.
The lower the prices, the higher the ranking.
These sessions are displayed as tabs in the RFQ Compare Responses (tdpur1600m100) session.
22 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
Response ranking
RFQs - additional processes
A number of processes do not always occur in the RFQ procedure, but can be used depending on
specific situations.
These are the following processes:
Landed costs on RFQs
Material prices on RFQs
Printing RFQ reminders
Printing letters for unsuccessful bidders
Project pegging
Specifying supplier stage payments
Subcontracted items on RFQs
Viewing, printing, and deleting RFQ history
Landed costs on RFQs
To have a proper insight in all procurement costs, not only the purchase price, but also landed costs
can be linked to an RFQ. These landed costs can be taken into account when comparing the RFQ
Material prices on RFQs
If the Material Pricing in Procurement check box is selected in the Material Price Parameters
(tcmpr0100m000) session, after setting up the material pricing master data, LN can retrieve material
price information and calculate material prices for a response line.
Linked material price information can be viewed in the Material Price Information (tcmpr1600m000)
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 23
Chapter 6
Additional processes
Printing RFQ reminders
If no response is received from a bidder before the response date, you can send the bidder a reminder,
which you can print in the Print RFQ Reminders (tdpur1402m000) session.
Note that to print a reminder in the Print RFQ Reminders (tdpur1402m000) session, the Reminder
Status must be Remind in the RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000) session.
Printing letters for unsuccessful bidders
You can use the Print Letter for Unsuccessful Bidders (tdpur1410m000) session to communicate to
bidders that their RFQ response is not accepted.
You can print letters for bidders only if the Thank You for Bidding Letter check box is selected in the
RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000) session.
Project pegging
Project pegging in Procurement includes the pegging of project costs for purchase requisitions, requests
for quotation, and purchase orders. If the item on the requisition, request for quotation or purchase order
requires a peg, a peg distribution must be linked to these purchase objects. In a peg distribution, the
required quantity of the parent business object is distributed across distribution lines for combinations
of project/budget, project element and/or project activity. For example, if a distribution is used to peg
the ordered quantity on a purchase order line, the goods are purchased for and the costs are booked
to these projects, elements, and activities.
Specifying supplier stage payments
Supplier stage payments enable customers to pay suppliers before or after the ordered goods are
actually received for a purchase order. The payments are spread over a period of time and the amounts
must be paid to the supplier on specific dates. The purchase order item's invoice flow is separated from
its goods flow.
Supplier stage payments can be useful for items with characteristics such as long lead, high value, much
engineering, and a fixed price. The stage payments can include the dates and events for which the
supplier must complete specific tasks before receipt of any goods, such as providing design documents
or test results. On the RFQ response, you can specify the stage payment lines in the Supplier Stage
Payments (tdpur5120m000) session, which can be copied to the purchase order line during conversion.
Subcontracted items on RFQs
In case of operation subcontracting, requests for quotation (RFQs) can include subcontracted service
items, or Purchased or Manufactured items with linked material supply information. These RFQs can
24 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
Additional processes
be generated from a purchase requisition with a linked routing operation or production order.
Subcontracted services can also be manually specified on an RFQ.
In case of service subcontracting, RFQs can include Cost or Service items, or Purchased or
Manufactured items with linked material supply information. These RFQs can be generated from a
purchase requisition with a linked work order or service order.
Viewing, printing, and deleting RFQ history
If the Log RFQ History check box is selected in the Request for Quotation Parameters (tdpur0100m100)
session, you can review RFQ history information in sessions such as the following:
RFQ History (tdpur1550m000)
RFQ Line History (tdpur1551m000)
RFQ Bidder History (tdpur1555m000)
RFQ Response History (tdpur1556m000)
You can print RFQ history in the Print RFQ History (tdpur1450m000) session.
If historical information is no longer required, you can use the Delete Request for Quotation History
(tdpur1204m000) session to delete the historical data.
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 25
Additional processes
26 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
Additional processes
appropriate menu
Commands are distributed across the Views, References, and Actions menus, or displayed as buttons.
In previous LN and Web UI releases, these commands are located in the Specific menu.
approved supplier list
A list of buy-from business partners approved to deliver a specific item.
landed costs
The total of all costs that are associated with the procurement of an item until delivery and receipt in a
warehouse. Landed costs typically include freight costs, insurance costs, customs duties, and handling
In LN, landed costs can be part of multiple landed costs sets.
material price
The price of a material, which can be the following:
The material base price, if material actual prices are not applicable (yet)
The sum of these components: material base price + material price surcharge+ material price
surcharge costs, if material actual prices are applicable
One of a series of steps in a routing that are carried out successively to produce an item.
The following data is collected during a routing operation:
The task. For example, sawing.
The machine used to carry out the task (optional). For example, sawing machine.
The place where the task is carried out (work center). For example, woodwork.
The number of employees required to carry out the task.
This data is used to compute order lead times, to plan production orders and to calculate cost prices.
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 27
Appendix A
operation subcontracting
The work on one or more operations in an item's production process is outsourced to a subcontractor.
A combination of project/budget, element and/or activity, which is used to identify costs, demand, and
supply for a project.
production order
An order to produce a specified quantity of an item on a specified delivery date.
purchase contract line
The agreement with a supplier about a certain item. A purchase contract line contains both commercial
and logistic conditions related to the supply of one item, during a period of time.
In case of a corporate purchase contract, the purchase contract line is a Total line, because it has linked
purchase contract line details.
request for quotation (RFQ)
A purchasing document that is used as a request to bidders to submit their terms, such as price, discount,
delivery time, and payment terms for delivering a (quantity of a) product.
You can send the RFQ to several bidders. A bidder can submit an RFQ response for the specified items.
You can record the responses, negotiate, and compare the prices and discounts that are offered by
different bidders.
An accepted response can be copied to a contract, an order, or a price book.
request for quotation (RFQ) lines
The lines that include the item details in a request for quotation (RFQ), such as required quantity, time
to be delivered, delivery warehouse and so on.
The item lines are sent to the bidder. The bidder can respond to each item individually and also offer
alternatives for the required item.
response date
The last date on which the bidder can submit an RFQ response on the request for quotation.
response line
A response to a request for quotation line, which includes a bidder's bid for the RFQ line. A bid offers
goods or services for a certain price and terms of sale and can be considered as an offer to sell.
28 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
RFQ bidder
A request to a bidder (buy-from business partner) to provide you with an offer for goods and services.
RFQ criteria set
Includes request for quotation (RFQ) criteria and can be linked to an RFQ header. Response lines are
compared and ranked based on the objective and subjective criteria in the criteria set.
RFQ response
A response to a request for quotation, which includes one or more response lines with bids. A bid offers
goods or services for a certain price and terms of sale and can be considered as an offer to sell.
service order
Orders that are used to plan, carry out, and control all repair and maintenance on configurations as
present on customer sites or as present with the company.
service subcontracting
Allot the service related work of an item to another company. The entire maintenance or repair process,
or only a part of the same, can be allotted. Service subcontracting can be used with or without material
flow support.
See: supplier stage payments (p. 30)
subcontracted service
The auxiliary item code for recording subcontracting operations. Items of this type also belong to the
administrative items. These items are non-physical items which are used to record the subcontracting
subjective criterion
A criterion whose score and rating are calculated based on user judgements (subjective values) assigned
to the criterion.
Subjective criteria are taken into account in vendor rating.
subjective value
Subjective values are used to provide the user with an easy to use rating scale on a vendor rating
questionnaire and the ranking of RFQ responses. You can assign scores and weightings to the subjective
Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs) | 29
supplier price book
A standard purchase price book that is used to store the following:
The default purchase price of an item by buy-from business partner, ship-from business partner,
or both
The prices copied from RFQ responses
The default prices of items
supplier stage payments
Spread payments that are made by customers to suppliers over a period of time. With stage payments,
customers can make payments for an item before or after the item is actually received. An item's invoice
flow is separated from its goods flow.
Abbreviation: SSP
vendor rating
A classification of a supplier based on certain criteria. These criteria can be based on deliveries (on
time, sufficient quality) and on other factors.
The proportional contribution of a criterion type to a comparison score. It represents the importance of
a criterion relative to the other criteria in the criteria set.
work order
Orders that are used to plan, carry out, and control all maintenance on items in a maintenance shop or
in a repair shop. A work order consists of at least one work order header, and can have a number of
activities that must be carried out on a repairable service item.
30 | Infor LN Procurement | User Guide for Requests for Quotation (RFQs)
appropriate menu, 27
approved supplier list, 27
criteria sets
specifying, 13
specifying, 13
calculating total scores, 15
calculating total scoring values, 21
objective, 15
subjective, 15
landed costs, 27
material price, 27
operation, 27
operation subcontracting, 28
peg, 28
production order, 28
Project pegging, 24
purchase contract line, 28
comparing, 15
evaluating, 15
Ranking, 21
Reminder, 24
request for quotation (RFQ), 28
request for quotation (RFQ) lines, 28
Request for quotation, 9
additional processes, 23
criteria, 15
handling, 7
history, 25
overview, 7
printing reminders, 24
response date, 28
response line, 28
RFQ bidder, 29
RFQ criteria set, 29
RFQ, 9
additional processes, 23
criteria, 15
handling, 7
history, 25
landed costs, 23
material prices, 23
overview, 7
printing reminders, 24
RFQ response, 29
ranking, 21
unsuccessful bidders, 24
service order, 29
service subcontracting, 29
SSP, 30
subcontracted service, 29
subjective criterion, 29
subjective value, 29
supplier price book, 30
supplier stage payments, 30
Supplier stage payments, 24
Unsuccessful bidder, 24
vendor rating, 30
weighting, 30
work order, 30