HLCM-PN/UNDP RFQ October 2020 1
RFQ Reference: Purchasing of Yurts for the summer festival Re-
Date: 21 July 2022
UNDP kindly requests your quotation for the provision of goods, works and/or services as detailed in Annex 1
of this RFQ.
This Request for Quotation comprises the following documents:
Section 1: This request letter
Section 2: RFQ Instructions and Data
Annex 1: Schedule of Requirements
Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form
Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer
When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the RFQ Instructions and Data. Please note that
quotations must be submitted using Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form and Annex 3 Technical and Financial
Offer, by the method and by the date and time indicated in Section 2. It is your responsibility to ensure that
your quotation is submitted on or before the deadline. Quotations received after the submission deadline, for
whatever reason, will not be considered for evaluation.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotations.
Issued by:
Name: Subhan Ahmadov
Title: OM UNDP
Date: 21 July 2022
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3980D3A2-A1F5-4743-82D4-76C3166BAC77
HLCM-PN/UNDP RFQ October 2020 2
Bidders shall adhere to all the requirements of this RFQ, including any amendments made in writing
by UNDP. This RFQ is conducted in accordance with the UNDP Programme and Operations Policies
and Procedures (POPP) on Contracts and Procurement
Any Bid submitted will be regarded as an offer by the Bidder and does not constitute or imply the
acceptance of the Bid by UNDP. UNDP is under no obligation to award a contract to any Bidder as a
result of this RFQ.
UNDP reserves the right to cancel the procurement process at any stage without any liability of any
kind for UNDP, upon notice to the bidders or publication of cancellation notice on the UNDP
Deadline for
of Quotation
04 August 2022, 18:00 Baku Time
If any doubt exists as to the time zone in which the quotation should be submitted, refer to
For eTendering submission - as indicated in the eTendering system. Note that the system time zone
is in EST/EDT (New York) time zone.
Method of
Quotations must be submitted as follows:
Dedicated Email Address
Courier / Hand delivery
Other Click or tap here to enter text.
Bid submission address: procurement.aze@undp.org
File Format: pdf, jpeg, rar, zip
File names must be maximum 60 characters long and must not contain any letter or special
character other than from Latin alphabet/keyboard.
All files must be free of viruses and not corrupted.
Max. File Size per transmission: 35 MB
Mandatory subject of email: Purchasing of Yurts for the summer festival
Multiple emails must be clearly identified by indicating in the subject line “email no. X of Y”,
and the final “email no. Y of Y.
It is recommended that the entire Quotation be consolidated into as few attachments as
The bidder should receive an email acknowledging email receipt.
[For eTendering method, click the link https://etendering.partneragencies.org and insert Event ID
Insert BU Code and Event ID number
Detailed instructions on how to submit, modify or cancel a bid in the eTendering system are
provided in the eTendering system Bidder User Guide, and Instructional videos available on this link:
Cost of
of quotation
UNDP shall not be responsible for any costs associated with a Supplier’s preparation and submission
of a quotation, regardless of the outcome or the manner of conducting the selection process.
Code of
All prospective suppliers must read the United Nations Supplier Code of Conduct and acknowledge
that it provides the minimum standards expected of suppliers to the UN. The Code of Conduct, which
includes principles on labour, human rights, environment and ethical conduct may be found at:
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Moreover, UNDP strictly enforces a policy of zero tolerance on proscribed practices, including fraud,
corruption, collusion, unethical or unprofessional practices, and obstruction of UNDP vendors and
requires all bidders/vendors to observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement
process and contract implementation. UNDP’s Anti-Fraud Policy can be found at
Gifts and
Bidders/vendors shall not offer gifts or hospitality of any kind to UNDP staff members including
recreational trips to sporting or cultural events, theme parks or offers of holidays, transportation, or
invitations to extravagant lunches, dinners or similar. In pursuance of this policy, UNDP: (a) Shall
reject a bid if it determines that the selected bidder has engaged in any corrupt or fraudulent practices
in competing for the contract in question; (b) Shall declare a vendor ineligible, either indefinitely or
for a stated period, to be awarded a contract if at any time it determines that the vendor has engaged
in any corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing a UNDP contract.
Conflict of
UNDP requires every prospective Supplier to avoid and prevent conflicts of interest, by disclosing to
UNDP if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the
requirements, design, specifications, cost estimates, and other information used in this RFQ. Bidders
shall strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments or their own interests, and act without
consideration for future work. Bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified.
Bidders must disclose in their Bid their knowledge of the following: a) If the owners, part-owners,
officers, directors, controlling shareholders, of the bidding entity or key personnel who are family
members of UNDP staff involved in the procurement functions and/or the Government of the country
or any Implementing Partner receiving goods and/or services under this RFQ.
The eligibility of Bidders that are wholly or partly owned by the Government shall be subject to UNDP’s
further evaluation and review of various factors such as being registered, operated and managed as
an independent business entity, the extent of Government ownership/share, receipt of subsidies,
mandate and access to information in relation to this RFQ, among others. Conditions that may lead
to undue advantage against other Bidders may result in the eventual rejection of the Bid.
Conditions of
Any Purchase Order or contract that will be issued as a result of this RFQ shall be subject to the General
Conditions of the Contract
Select the applicable GTC:
General Terms and Conditions / Special Conditions for Contract.
General Terms and Conditions for de minimis contracts (services only, less than $50,000)
General Terms and Conditions for Works
Applicable Terms and Conditions and other provisions are available at UNDP/How-we-buy
Conditions of
Cancellation of PO/Contract if the delivery/completion is delayed by 30 days
Others [pls. specify]
A vendor who will be engaged by UNDP may not be suspended, debarred, or otherwise identified as
ineligible by any UN Organization or the World Bank Group or any other international Organization.
Vendors are therefore required to disclose to UNDP whether they are subject to any sanction or
temporary suspension imposed by these organizations. Failure to do so may result in termination of
any contract or PO subsequently issued to the vendor by UNDP.
It is the Bidder’s responsibility to ensure that its employees, joint venture members, sub-contractors,
service providers, suppliers and/or their employees meet the eligibility requirements as established
by UNDP.
Bidders must have the legal capacity to enter a binding contract with UNDP and to deliver in the
country, or through an authorized representative.
Currency of
Quotations shall be quoted in USD
If the Bidder is a group of legal entities that will form or have formed a Joint Venture (JV), Consortium
or Association for the Bid, they shall confirm in their Bid that : (i) they have designated one party to
act as a lead entity, duly vested with the authority to legally bind the members of the JV, Consortium
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HLCM-PN/UNDP RFQ October 2020 4
or Association jointly and severally, which shall be evidenced by a duly notarized Agreement among
the legal entities, and submitted with the Bid; and (ii) if they are awarded the contract, the contract
shall be entered into, by and between UNDP and the designated lead entity, who shall be acting for
and on behalf of all the member entities comprising the joint venture, Consortium or Association.
Refer to Clauses 19 24 under Solicitation policy for details on the applicable provisions on Joint
Ventures, Consortium, or Association.
Only one Bid
The Bidder (including the Lead Entity on behalf of the individual members of any Joint Venture,
Consortium or Association) shall submit only one Bid, either in its own name or, if a joint venture,
Consortium or Association, as the lead entity of such Joint Venture, Consortium or Association.
Bids submitted by two (2) or more Bidders shall all be rejected if they are found to have any of the
a) they have at least one controlling partner, director or shareholder in common; or b) any one of
them receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy from the other/s; or
b) they have the same legal representative for purposes of this RFQ; or
c) they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them
in a position to have access to information about, or influence on the Bid of, another Bidder regarding
this RFQ process;
d) they are subcontractors to each other’s Bid, or a subcontractor to one Bid also submits another Bid
under its name as lead Bidder; or
e) some key personnel proposed to be in the team of one Bidder participates in more than one Bid
received for this RFQ process. This condition relating to the personnel does not apply to
subcontractors being included in more than one Bid.
Duties and
Article II, Section 7, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities provides, inter alia, that the
United Nations, including UNDP as a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly of the United Nations,
is exempt from all direct taxes, except charges for public utility services, and is exempt from customs
restrictions, duties, and charges of a similar nature in respect of articles imported or exported for its
official use. All quotations shall be submitted net of any direct taxes and any other taxes and duties,
unless otherwise specified below:
All prices must:
be inclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes
be exclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes
Language of
English or Azerbaijani
Annexes shall be given in English. Supporting documents and standard registration documents can
be submitted in English, Azerbaijani, Russian or Turkish.
to be
Bidders shall include the following documents in their quotation:
Annex 2: Quotation Submission Form duly completed and signed
Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer duly completed and signed and in accordance with the
Schedule of Requirements in Annex 1
Company Profile.
Registration certificate;
List of projects performed for the last 1 year plus client’s contact details who may be contacted for
further information on those contracts;
List and value of ongoing Projects with UNDP and other national/multi-national organizations with
contact details of clients and the current completion ratio of each ongoing project;
Statement of Satisfactory Performance (Certificates) from the top 2 clients in terms of the Contract
value in a similar field;
Completed and signed CVs for the proposed key Personnel;
Models, brand names, and technical specifications of the offered products , photos of Yurts
Quotations shall remain valid for 90 days from the deadline for the Submission of the Quotation.
No price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market
factors shall be accepted at any time during the validity of the quotation after the quotation has been
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3980D3A2-A1F5-4743-82D4-76C3166BAC77
HLCM-PN/UNDP RFQ October 2020 5
Not permitted
Permitted Insert conditions for partial quotes and ensure that the requirements are properly listed
in lots to allow partial quotes
Not permitted
If permitted, an alternative quote may be submitted only if a conforming quote to the RFQ
requirements is submitted. Where the conditions for its acceptance are met, or justifications are
clearly established, UNDP reserves the right to award a contract based on an alternative quote. If
multiple/alternative quotes are being submitted, they must be clearly marked as “Main Quote” and
“Alternative Quote”
100% within 30 days after receipt of goods, works and/or services and submission of payment
Other Click or tap here to enter text.
for Release
Passing Inspection [specify method, if possible] Complete Installation
Passing all Testing [specify standard, if possible]
Completion of Training on Operation and Maintenance [specify no. of trainees, and location of
training, if possible
Written Acceptance of Goods, Services and Works, based on full compliance with RFQ
Others [pls. specify]
Person for
E-mail address: procurement.aze@undp.org
Any delay in UNDP’s response shall be not used as a reason for extending the deadline for submission
unless UNDP determines that such an extension is necessary and communicates a new deadline to
the Proposers.
Requests for clarification from bidders will not be accepted any later than 3 days before the
submission deadline. Responses to request for clarification will be communicated through
https://www.az.undp.org/content/azerbaijan/en/home/procurement.html or by the email
The Contract or Purchase Order will be awarded to the lowest price substantially compliant offer
Other Click or tap here to enter text.
Full compliance with all requirements as specified in Annex 1
Full acceptance of the General Conditions of Contract
Comprehensiveness of after-sales services
Earliest Delivery /shortest lead time
Others Click or tap here to enter text.
Right not to
accept any
UNDP is not bound to accept any quotation, nor award a contract or Purchase Order
Right to vary
at time of
At the time of award of Contract or Purchase Order, UNDP reserves the right to vary (increase or
decrease) the quantity of services and/or goods, by up to a maximum twenty-five per cent (25% ) of
the total offer, without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions.
Type of
Contract to
be awarded
Purchase Order
Contract Face Sheet (Goods and-or Services)
Contract for Works
Other Type/s of Contract [pls. specify]
date for
11 August 2022
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HLCM-PN/UNDP RFQ October 2020 6
of Contract
UNDP will publish the contract awards valued at USD 100,000 and more on the websites of the CO
and the corporate UNDP Web site.
Policies and
This RFQ is conducted in accordance with UNDP Programme and Operations Policies and Procedures
Any Contract resulting from this RFQ exercise will be subject to the supplier being registered at the
appropriate level on the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) website at www.ungm.org.
The Bidder may still submit a quotation even if not registered with the UNGM, however, if the
Bidder is selected for Contract award, the Bidder must register on the UNGM prior to contract
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3980D3A2-A1F5-4743-82D4-76C3166BAC77
HLCM-PN/UNDP RFQ October 2020 7
Purchasing of Yurts for the summer festival. All purchased Yurts should be delivered and installed at Goygol district
till 28 July 2022. Please note that pictures are indicative.
Photo sample
Yurt 1
Yurt 2
Yurt 3
Yurt 4
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3980D3A2-A1F5-4743-82D4-76C3166BAC77
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Delivery Requirements
Delivery Requirements
Delivery date and time
Bidder shall deliver the goods in up to 7 days after Contract signature. Bidder should
identify the items available for immediate delivery and provide delivery schedule of
remaining items.
Delivery Terms
UNDP Project office
Customs clearance
(must be linked to
Not applicable
Shall be done by:
Name of organisation (where applicable)
Supplier/bidder with the help of UNDP
Freight Forwarder
The Supplier is responsible for submission of entire package of documents required for
customs clearance: Certificate of Origin, Packing list, AWB/CMR (bill of lading),
Commercial invoice.
Exact Address(es) of
Delivery Location(s)
All purchased Yurts should be installed at Goygol district till 18 August 2022
Warranty Period
As per requirements in Annex 1
After-sales service and
local service support
Required. The after-sale service shall be available in Azerbaijan.
Preferred Mode of
No specific transportation mode. The Supplier may use any or multimodal transportation
if required.
Bidders are requested to complete this form, including the Company Profile and Bidder’s Declaration, sign it and return
it as part of their quotation along with Annex 3: Technical and Financial Offer. The Bidder shall fill in this form in
accordance with the instructions indicated. No alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be
Name of Bidder:
Click or tap here to enter text.
RFQ reference:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Date: Click or tap to enter a date.
Company Profile
Item Description
Legal name of bidder or Lead
entity for JVs
Click or tap here to enter text.
Legal Address, City, Country
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Year of Registration
Click or tap here to enter text.
Legal structure
Choose an item.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3980D3A2-A1F5-4743-82D4-76C3166BAC77
HLCM-PN/UNDP RFQ October 2020 9
Are you a UNGM registered
Yes No If yes, insert UNGM Vendor Number
Quality Assurance Certification
(e.g. ISO 9000 or Equivalent) (If
yes, provide a Copy of the valid
Yes No
Does your Company hold any
accreditation such as ISO 14001
or ISO 14064 or equivalent related
to the environment? (If yes,
provide a Copy of the valid
Yes No
Does your Company have a
written Statement of its
Environmental Policy? (If yes,
provide a Copy)
Yes No
Does your organization
demonstrate significant
commitment to sustainability
through some other means, for
example internal company policy
documents on women
empowerment, renewable
energies or membership of trade
institutions promoting such issues
(If yes, provide a Copy)
Yes No
Is your company a member of the
UN Global Compact
Yes No
Bank Information
Bank Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Bank Address: Click or tap here to enter text.
IBAN: Click or tap here to enter text.
SWIFT/BIC: Click or tap here to enter text.
Account Currency: Click or tap here to enter text.
Bank Account Number: Click or tap here to enter text.
Previous relevant experience: 3 contracts
Name of previous
Client & Reference
Contact Details
including e-mail
Period of activity
Types of activities
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Bidder’s Declaration
Requirements and Terms and Conditions: I/We have read and fully understand the RFQ, including the
RFQ Information and Data, Schedule of Requirements, the General Conditions of Contract, and any
Special Conditions of Contract. I/we confirm that the Bidder agrees to be bound by them.
I/We confirm that the Bidder has the necessary capacity, capability, and necessary licenses to fully meet
or exceed the Requirements and will be available to deliver throughout the relevant Contract period.
Ethics: In submitting this Quote I/we warrant that the bidder: has not entered into any improper, illegal,
collusive or anti-competitive arrangements with any Competitor; has not directly or indirectly
approached any representative of the Buyer (other than the Point of Contact) to lobby or solicit
information in relation to the RFQ ;has not attempted to influence, or provide any form of personal
inducement, reward or benefit to any representative of the Buyer.
I/We confirm to undertake not to engage in proscribed practices, , or any other unethical practice, with
the UN or any other party, and to conduct business in a manner that averts any financial, operational,
reputational or other undue risk to the UN and we have read the United Nations Supplier Code of
Conduct :https://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/about-us/un-supplier-code-conduct and acknowledge that it
provides the minimum standards expected of suppliers to the UN.
Conflict of interest: I/We warrant that the bidder has no actual, potential, or perceived Conflict of
Interest in submitting this Quote or entering a Contract to deliver the Requirements. Where a Conflict
of Interest arises during the RFQ process the bidder will report it immediately to the Procuring
Organisation’s Point of Contact.
Prohibitions, Sanctions: l/We hereby declare that our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries or employees,
including any JV/Consortium members or subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract is not
under procurement prohibition by the United Nations, including but not limited to prohibitions derived
from the Compendium of United Nations Security Council Sanctions Lists and have not been suspended,
debarred, sanctioned or otherwise identified as ineligible by any UN Organization or the World Bank
Group or any other international Organization.
Bankruptcy: l/We have not declared bankruptcy, are not involved in bankruptcy or receivership
proceedings, and there is no judgment or pending legal action against them that could impair their
operations in the foreseeable future.
Offer Validity Period: I/We confirm that this Quote, including the price, remains open for acceptance
for the Offer Validity.
I/We understand and recognize that you are not bound to accept any Quotation you receive, and we
certify that the goods offered in our Quotation are new and unused.
By signing this declaration, the signatory below represents, warrants and agrees that he/she has been
authorised by the Organization/s to make this declaration on its/their behalf.
Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Title: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date: Click or tap to enter a date.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3980D3A2-A1F5-4743-82D4-76C3166BAC77
HLCM-PN/UNDP RFQ October 2020 11
Bidders are requested to complete this form, sign it and return it as part of their bid along with Annex 2: Quotation
Submission Form. The Bidder shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions indicated. No alterations to its
format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be accepted.
Name of Bidder:
Click or tap here to enter text.
RFQ reference:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Date: Click or tap to enter a date.
Currency of the Quotation: US Dollars
(offer should be all inclusive including transportation to end beneficiaries, installation, testing, warranty etc.)
Unit price
Total price
Yurt 6m diameter
Yurt 7m diameter
Yurt 8m diameter
Yurt 9m diameter
Total Final and All-inclusive Price
(including transportations to the regions, installation etc )
Compliance with Requirements
You Responses
Yes, we will
No, we
If you cannot comply, pls. indicate
counter - offer
Minimum Technical Specifications
Click or tap here to enter text.
Delivery Term (INCOTERMS)
Click or tap here to enter text.
Delivery Lead Time
Click or tap here to enter text.
Warranty and After-Sales Requirements
Click or tap here to enter text.
Validity of Quotation
Click or tap here to enter text.
Payment terms
Click or tap here to enter text.
Other requirements [pls. specify]
Click or tap here to enter text.
I, the undersigned, certify that I am duly authorized to sign this quotation and bind the company below in event that
the quotation is accepted.
Exact name and address of company
Company NameClick or tap here to enter text.
Address: Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Phone No.:Click or tap here to enter text.
Email Address:Click or tap here to enter text.
Authorized Signature:
Date:Click or tap here to enter text.
Name:Click or tap here to enter text.
Functional Title of Authorised
Signatory:Click or tap here to enter text.
Email Address: Click or tap here to enter text.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3980D3A2-A1F5-4743-82D4-76C3166BAC77