This RFQ is for Price and Lead time and submission of responses to this RFQ is not a promise of
future purchase orders. All RFQ’s are Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) for the
term Listed on the RFQ
1. GENERAL. These provisions are standard for all MARTA Stock RFQ’s.
2. SUBMISSION OF RESPONSES. All responses will be submitted for quotes on the RFQ
Form. Responses to quotes must be received no later than the date and time indicated on the RFQ
Form. All columns on the RFQ must be completed.
3. AMENDMENTS TO THE REQUEST FOR QUOTE. No amendments will be accepted on the
RFQ Form.
4. NO BID. Suppliers desiring not to submit a quote should submit NO BID on the RFQ Form.
5. BASIS OF AWARD. Each line item is separately awardable and MARTA shall submit
purchase orders as required to the overall lowest responsible and responsive vendor complying
with the provisions of the Request for Quote. The following criteria may be considered by
MARTA in selecting the most advantageous quote: a) Conformance to specification; b) The
quality of performance in previous Purchase Orders; c) Item pricing. MARTA reserves the right
to cancel the solicitation and to reject any or all quotes in whole or in part and is not bound to
accept any quote if rejection of that quote is determined to be contrary to the best interest of
MARTA. Submission of responses to this RFQ and/or a resulting purchase order does not
authorize the vendor to stock materials required for producing finished goods or stock finished
goods in anticipation of future orders. MARTA will not be responsible for any stock on hand or
finished goods during or after the quotation period.
6. SAMPLES. Samples of items when required, must be furnished free of expense to MARTA
and upon request, be returned to the Vendor at the Vendor’s expense. Samples of selected items
may be retained for comparison purposes.
7. TAXES. MARTA is exempt from the State of Georgia sales tax and exemption certificate
will be furnished upon request.
8. DELIVERY. All prices must be FOB Destination. Freight included in the unit price.
9. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES OF MARTA FOR DEFAULT. If any item furnished by the
Vendor fails to conform to specifications, or to the sample submitted by the Vendor, MARTA
may reject it. Upon rejection, the Vendor must promptly reclaim and remove such item without
expense to MARTA, and shall immediately replace all such rejected items with others
conforming to such specification and samples. If the Vendor fails to do so, MARTA has the right
to purchase in the open market a corresponding quantity of any such items and to deduct from
any monies due the Vendor the difference between the prices named in the purchase order and
the actual cost to MARTA.
10. REJECTION OF QUOTE. Quotes may be considered irregular and may be rejected if they
show omissions, alternations of form, additions not called for, conditions, limitations,
unauthorized alternate bids or other irregularities of any kind. MARTA reserves the right to
waive minor technicalities or irregularities of quote.
11. TERMINATION. MARTA reserves the right to terminate the RFQ or Quotation at any time
during the validity period.
Supplementary Instructions to Vendors
Each Column on the RFQ must be filled in.
1. PART NUMBER/DESCRIPTION. If a description states OEM only, no alternate products
will be considered.
2. QUANTITIES. Any quantity on an RFQ is an estimate of the first purchase order quantity.
3. UNIT OF MEASURE. Indicate the unit of measure, I.e.; Each, Pack, Gallon, Case.
4. UNIT PRICE. Enter the Unit Price including all shipping and handling costs including all
Customs Brokerage charges.
5. MANUFACTURERS PART NUMBER. Enter the manufacturer’s part number. This number
should be the same as the manufacturer’s number in the description. If quotations are based on
equivalent products, the quote must: a) Indicate the alternate manufacturer’s name and catalog
number; b) Include complete descriptive literature and/or specifications; c) Include proof that the
proposed equivalent will meet the specifications. MARTA reserves the right to be the sole judge
of what is equal and acceptable to meet its needs in all respects. If Bidder fails to name a
substitute, goods identical to the published standard must be furnished. If a Bidder fails to
deliver the item quoted Terms and Conditions 13 will be enforced.
6. LEAD TIME. Enter the lead time required in calendar days ARO to deliver the product to
MARTA if the current on hand availability is zero. Failure the meet the stipulated lead time may
render this quote non responsive and future purchase order may be given to the next responsive
vendor that meet the lead time promised.
7. MADE IN USA. Enter Y/N if the product is made in USA.
8. CURRENT AVAIALBILITY. Enter the current quantity of the product available for
shipment today.