ePortfolio FAQs
Formatting, Uploading, and Submitting Materials
Q: What are the acceptable file formats?
A: All written material must be submitted as PDF. All videos must be submitted as MP4. All files
must be less than 500 MB in size. No other file types will be accepted. Visit our ePortfolio
Submission page for resources that will help you convert your material to the appropriate file
Q: My scanner only saves JPG files, what should I do?
A: You will not be able to upload graphic files. You can insert graphic files such as JPGs into a
word processing document, and then convert the document to a PDF prior to submission. Visit
our ePortfolio Submission page for tips on scanning and submitting your evidence as PDF files.
Q: How should I name my files?
A: When naming your files, consider using a naming convention that will help you easily identify
and organize the various parts of your entry. File names should consist of alphanumeric
characters only; please do not use special characters such as !, @, #. Do not use your name in
your file name.
Q: I need help with preparing my video file for submission, what should I do?
A: There are a number of resources available on our website to help you export, convert and
compress your videos to MP4. Note: Depending on the software used to create your material,
specifically videos, your files may only open/play on the device on which it was created. Please
open/play your files on multiple devices before submitting (video files must contain audio and
Q: Where do I go to upload materials?
A: During the ePortfolio submission window, you will upload and submit your material through
your National Board account. If you are submitting a portfolio during the 2023-24 assessment
cycle, you will be able to upload your material for submission beginning mid-day April 1, 2024.
After logging in to your account, click the “Complete your ePortfolio Submission” button to get
started. Review the Guide to Electronic Submission for step-by-step instructions.
Q: I submitted material and need confirmation for my records. What should I do?
A: You can find confirmation of your submission in your National Board account, on your
candidate dashboard; use your browser's print feature to print a copy for your records.
Q: How can I access my material after submission?
A: After submission, you will have read-only access to your uploaded files and will be able to
view and download the material you submitted for scoring, until score release. You can access
the read-only function in your National Board account, on your candidate dashboard.
Q: I submitted my files but found an error; what should I do?
A: If you identify an error after submitting a portfolio component, an exception processing
service is available for a fee of $250 per entry which will allow you to resubmit material.
This service will only be available for one week after the submission window closes (until
May 25, 2024).
Candidates seeking this exception will be required to attest their material was collected
prior to the submission deadline (May 18, 2024).
This exception service is only available to candidates with a May 18, 2024, submission
deadline - candidates who have been granted an extension to the submission deadline
are not eligible for this service.
First-time, Returning, and Retake Candidates
Q: Where can I find my Candidate ID? What if I forget to include it in my submission?
A: You can find your National Board Candidate ID in your National Board account. Forgetting to
include your ID, or including the wrong ID, will not impact the scoring of your submission.
Q: How should I number the pages of my entry?
A: There isn’t a wrong way to number your pages; feel free to:
Number your entire entry's pages sequentially from beginning to end.
Number each individual part of your entry separately.
Skip page numbering altogether. Page numbering doesn’t impact scoring.
Q: What identifying information should be included in my submission, e.g. names,
locations, etc.?
A: The anonymity guidelines are:
When referencing students, parents, and colleagues, use first names only.
When referencing your school, school district, or facility, use initials only, do not identify
its location.
Do not identify your city or state by name.
Do not identify any college or university by name. If the sample includes a company,
organization, or university that does not reveal your exact location you do not need to
remove the organization name or location. Signatures from those organizations may be
left since they are not colleagues. Names of authors or professional presenters do not
need to be removed.
Remove your name from student work and do not include your name in Written
Q: What cover sheets and forms do I submit, and do I need cover sheets for my
instructional materials?
A: Submit the following types of cover sheets and forms:
Those that require you to enter information about the evidence you are submitting.
Those that include prompts you must respond to on a separate page.
Those that identify the evidence attached.
Refer to the Submission at a Glance Chart located in your portfolio instructions for a complete
list of evidence, forms and cover sheets to submit electronically.
Q: Is it ok to handwrite on the forms?
A: Yes, we accept handwritten responses on forms. You can also type your responses using
single spacing and the default font.
Q: Why is the space for responding on the Contextual Information sheet so limited?
A: You shouldn’t need a lot of space. The purpose of this form is for you to briefly describe your
overall teaching context with a focus on your school/district at large.
Q. My forms are available as Word documents; can I delete the form directions and/or
instructions to provide myself more typing space?
A: No, you are not permitted to alter any National Board forms. Your responses should be
concise and must fit in the space allotted. The completed form will be submitted as a PDF file.
Q: Can I use the same Contextual Information Sheet for all of my entries?
A: Yes, you may use the same Contextual Information Sheet for all of your entries, if you are
using the same class/school.
Q: May I place a collage of photos on the Photo Storyboard Form?
A. No. You must not include more than one photograph on each Photo Storyboard Form. A form
that contains a collage of photographs is not acceptable. Assessors will view each photograph
used to create a collaged image as a single photograph that will count toward the 10-
photograph limit. Also, don’t place Assessment Materials on the Photo Storyboard Form.
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Candidates
Q: Where can I find my Candidate ID? What if I forget to include it in my submission?
A: You can find your National Board Candidate ID in your National Board account. Forgetting to
include your ID, or including the wrong ID, will not impact the scoring of your submission.
Q: What identifying information should be removed from my submission, e.g. names,
locations, etc.?
A: Your goal in referring to people or places is to convey to an evaluator sufficient evidence
about your teaching practice. Use the following guidelines to refer to people, institutions, and
places in your written materials, learner work samples, instructional materials, sample products,
and videos:
Remove all references of your last name.
Remove last names of students, parents, and colleagues.
Remove the name of your school, district, city, or state.
If the sample includes a company, organization, or university that does not reveal your
exact location you do not need to remove the organization name or location. Signatures
from those organizations may be left since they are not colleagues. Names of authors or
professional presenters do not need to be removed.
Last names and identifiers should not be removed from the Video Recording Date
Attestation form.
Q. My templates are available as Word documents; can I delete the template directions
and/or instructions to provide myself more typing space?
A: No, you are not permitted to alter any National Board templates. Your responses should be
concise and must fit in the space allotted. The completed template will be submitted as a PDF
Q: My video has multiple segments; can I upload them separately?
A: Your video segments will need to be uploaded as a single file. Make sure to adhere to the
number of segments allowed in the MOC instructions and upload them as a single file. For
instructions on converting the multiple files to a single file, review the Video Conversion and
Compression Guide found on our ePortfolio Submission page.
Q: I don’t have a Video Recording Date Attestation form; how do I submit?
A: If you are not submitting a Video Recording Date Attestation or Classroom Layout form,
simply leave the corresponding file part(s) empty.
Q: Is it ok to handwrite on the forms?
A: Yes, we accept handwritten responses on forms. You can also type your responses using
single spacing and the default font.